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Weight Control - Weight Loss - Weight Management

 Weight Control 

Thyroid extract may be used to supplement the thyroid's secretion, and weight will return to normal-if the patient is not overeating on his own. But the fact of the matter is that in the vast majority of overweight people no thyroid dysfunction or other physical cause is detectable and treatable. There is an old story about a pound person who used to claim that he wasn't overweight at all-merely too short for his weight. And, of course, he was right-by the charts, he should have been 12 feet tall. 

And there are, of course, many people who insist that they never eat too much; indeed, they claim, they eat like birds. But if they do, it is like inactive birds. According to all the available scientific evidence-and overweight has had a considerable amount of scientific scrutiny-the problem of excess poundage is a problem of too much intake for too little outgo.


Overweight is a common problem in this country not just because of affluence but because of our inventiveness and way of life. For most of us, eating is no longer something done for survival; it's a social function, and everywhere around us are invitations to eat. In addition to family meals, there are coffee breaks with doughnuts or Danish; candy counters and peanut, soft drink, and other types of vending machines in office buildings; business and club luncheons; popcorn and soft drinks in movie houses; and on ad infinitum. And while we have thrust upon us opportunities galore for consuming calories, we have to make opportunities for calorie expenditure. 

The way we live-riding in elevators, riding to work, being bused to school, even riding golf carts-discourages exercise. We are, we might well say, victims of the system. Clearly the only way to lose weight or to keep from gaining it is to outsmart the system. And that includes the whole of the system, including the fad diet part of it. 

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