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Showing posts with label Excercises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Excercises. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Smoking chemicals- Nicotine- lung cancer - smoking problems


Smoke, too, are millions of tiny particles, called particulate matter. It is this matter which, upon condensation, forms of own mass called tar.

Tar contains nicotine and more than a dozen known to trigger cancer when applied to the skin or breathing of laboratory animals. The chemicals are called carcinogenic of their cancer-producing activity. In studies in which one of the chemicals benzpyrene, has been diluted 1,000 times and placed in partition of pellets implanted in the cheek pouches of hamsters, 90 percent of the animals have developed mouth cancer within 25 weeks. 

Nicotine, a colorless oily compound, occurs in cigarettes in a range of 1 to 2 milligrams. In concentrated form, nicotine is a potent poison and 10 milligrams, which form about one drop, will if injected kill an average human. Among the other chemicals in cigarette smoke are phenols, which interfere with the action of the cilia, the hair like projections which line the respiratory tract and have a protective action.

Other chemicals are Irritants contributing to cigarette cough, and some are believed to be involved in the gradual deterioration of the lungs in emphysema. The person just beginning to smoke experiences symptoms of mild nicotine poisoning, such as rapid pulse, faintness, dizziness, nausea, and clammy skin. Sometimes even long-experienced smokers develop one or more of the symptoms. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Exercises time and play, Basic principles of excercises

Exercise should become part of your daily routine. That means setting aside 30 minutes to an hour a day about five times a week. The daily activity period, or periods, should be considered as being as essential a part of your life as eating, sleeping, bathing, and dressing. Pick a time, or times, most suitable for you. If it is convenient for you to carry out much or all of your activity in one period each day, fine; divided periods of activity can also serve the purpose. Some people, early starters, like to exercise before breakfast. For others, this is impossible. Many men find it convenient to exercise late in the afternoon or before lunch. Never perform any exercise sooner than one hour after a meal.

 GADGETS Keep equipment to a minimum It's a good idea to avoid complicated apparatus and overreliance on weights, pulleys, and other devices.

BASIC PRINCIPLES Whatever program of activity you propose to engage in, check with your physician to be certain it is suitable for you. And your physician may.

Have valuable suggestions for activities particularly suited to you. Start slowly. Rush in without preparation and lift 200 pounds over your head-or even try to--and it may be your last act on earth. Take on a routine of mild setting-up exercises and you may feel a bit better, but this is far short of what you can get out of well-planned activity. What is needed is a program that follows certain key principles. Tolerance is one. There should be no sudden demand on your body or burst of tremendous effort.

Excessive straining beyond the level your body is ready for accomplishes nothing and may produce injury. Overload is another. Easy workouts continued endlessly day after day value but it is limited value. You have to push yourself just easily, then gradually begin to work a little harder, working 8 I Building General Health as Preventive Therapy just slightly beyond the first feeling of tiredness, but still within your limits of tolerance. 

Your body has more capacity than it is called upon to use. Give it a bit more load than usual and it can handle it. Progressively, it will become able to handle more. Progression is another important principle. As you maintain' a regular schedule of exercise and your strength and endurance grow, your activities will become easier for you. Continue them at the same level and you will maintain the improvement. To go beyond, you can make the work- outs progressively more strenuous, if your physician indicates this is desirable, until you arrive at a level of fitness you want to achieve. 


Excercise, Activities and health problems

There is increasing evidence that exercise is of value in preventing many key diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular dis- orders which affect circulation in the extremities. It is good for most ACTIVITY AND THE HEART lung diseases; an aid in the prevention of backaches and foot problems; a help too in the prevention of hernias; and a means of maintaining good skin tone. . For many years, vigorous physical activity was considered a hazard for the healthy heart, let alone the diseased. Today, there is mounting evidence that regular activity not only is essential for optimal maintenance of heart health but also, with certain precautions, can be of great value in heart patients formerly doomed to inactive existence.

In one of the pioneering studies concerned with exercise and the heart, British investigators found that the frequency of coronary heart disease in London bus conductors was about 30 percent lower than in the less active bus drivers. Since then, an inverse relationship between physical activity and coronary heart disease-the more of the former, the less of the latter-has been found by many other investigators in this country and elsewhere in the world. In a study carried out by Harvard scientists, 700 Bostonians of Irish descent were compared with their brothers who stayed in Ireland.

Coronary heart disease deaths in the Boston group (ages 30 to 60) were two times those in the Ireland group. The men in Ireland ate more eggs, more butter, and more of other saturated fats-yet had lower serum cholesterol levels. They consumed 400 calories more per day on the average than their Boston counterparts but weighed 10 percent less. They were getting more exercise and their lower cholesterol levels showed that physical activity does more than just burn off calories. Somewhat to their amazement, American scientists who recently made a special trip to study Masai tribesmen in Africa found that these people, despite a diet containing enough cholesterol to send the ordinary worried American fleeing in panic from the dinner table, never seem to get heart trouble.

 They live almost exclusively on meat and on milk with a butter- fat content that soars to 6.5 percent. Yet they have lower blood cholesterol levels on the average than do Americans. It is possible that it is exercise which protects Masai hearts, keeping cholesterol levels in their blood low despite the high dietary intake. The Masai are known to walk as much as 50 to 60 miles a day-and to do it without strain. In a study covering 120,000 American railroad employees, the heart attack incidence among sedentary office workers was found to be almost twice that of men working in the yards. Investigators have noted that activity trains the heart to beat slowly, to function more economically, to require less oxygen for a given amount