It is quite normal now
for a sudden body spasm to on, perhaps awakening you for a fraction of a
second. And then you move into stage 1 sleep; voltage from your brain is small,
changing rapidly pulse is slowing, muscles relax. You enter stage 2 sleep as
brain waves rapidly grow larger. If at this point you were to be awakened, you
might well believe you had not been, sleep at all, though you have been for
about 10 minutes. In about half an hour, you are in stage 3 sleep.
Brain wave
voltage is higher, the waves slower. You are breathing evenly, muscles relaxed,
with temperature and blood pressure still falling. It would take a loud noise
now to wake you. Soon you move into stage 4 sleep, with large slow brain waves.
This is the very deep sleep that most people may think of as real sleep, but it
is only a small fraction of the total.
After about 20 minutes of stage 4 sleeps, you start to move
upward into lighter sleep. Now you may turn in bed or make some other movement;
you are almost at the consciousness level. But instead of waking, your eyes
move under closed lids, much as if you were watching a movie. Your heartbeat is
now irregular and your blood pressure fluctuates. You are dreaming and if
awakened at this point you can describe the dream in detail-but if you are not
awakened then, you may or may not remember the dream in the morning. After
about 10 minutes of REM or dream sleep, the cycle starts again.
This, then, is
the sleep process. There are still many unknowns. For example, there is no
clear answer to the natural question: which sleep is better, deep or light?
Nature apparently considers both necessary and oscillates between them. Also,
there has long been a theory that sleep is needed in order to allow the body to
get rid of "fatigue toxins." The idea is that during an active day,
with constant contraction of muscles, certain chemicals are produced which are
disposed of as waste.
But during activity the disposal rate is not sufficient to
prevent some buildup of the materials and fatigue results. It has been thought,
therefore, that as this fatigue linked 10 undisposed wastes builds up, sleep
results. Yet, if this were the case, "toxins" should disappear during
the night and we should leap out of in a state of exuberance in the morning.
But this rarely happens. In .my case, with or without adequate explanations of
why, we do adequate sleep is necessary.
Without it, not only do we feel
fatigued; we also feel emotionally drained, which Reed Army Institute of
Research in Washington have demonstrated that the longest a person can go
without sleep is about 240 hours, or 10 days. And volunteers who went through
the experience found it much like torture. Even after 65 hours of sleeplessness,
one volunteer was discovered in a washroom, frantically trying to wash
"cobwebs" from his face, believing he was covered with them. Sleep is
needed for emotional stability as well as physical refreshment.