today defend their use of drugs on the grounds of alcohol. Their thrust to
anxious parents is: answer to this as
any has been made by Dr. of the National Institute of Mental Health. Points out, it is pale. In the first place,
the use of alcohol, persons above 21 is not against the law. Secondly, alcohol
as a crutch by some people does nothing to other chemical means of 'copping
Drinking and alcoholism are currently subjects of in research. Thirdly,
the acceptability of moderate social drinking assumes that adults are mature
enough to make mature decisions as to their behavior. And, finally, there is
the irrefutable fact that the fresh young years of personality growth and
development are dangerously inappropriate for any chemical means of confounding
reality. "As authorities well recognize, neither laws nor awareness of the
medical facts can themselves secure drug abuse prevention.
Nor can we stop
people from using alcohol or cigarettes as support or as a bandage for their
psychic wounds. Ours is a drug-oriented culture. From aspirin to sleeping
pills, from tranquilizers to the 'pill,' Americans of all ages are ingesting
drugs in greater variety and number than ever before. "It is not so much
the phenomenon of use, however, but the misuse and abuse of drugs that bears
close investigation.
Why do people choose to distort or to ward off reality
through chemical means? Perhaps we deal with deep-rooted feelings of
Alienation among the young has been
characterized as 'rebellion without cause ... rejection without a program ...
refusal of what is without a vision of what should be.' As scientists we are
left to probe whatever reasons can be found for this sad anomaly.