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Showing posts with label hair care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hair care. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Hair care dandruff hair restorer

Non-neutralizing home permanent kits depend for their action on the oxidation that takes place when the waving lotion is exposed to air as it dries. So far there is no indication that this can cause any more damage to the hair than would occur if a neutralizer were used, but it may not produce so long-lasting a wave. Baldness we are sorry to have to report that there is no cure for ordinary bald- ness-at least, not thus far. Any miraculous cures you may hear about have nothing to do with ordinary baldness, only with special types. For example, in a condition called alopecia areata, the hair suddenly falls out, often unclamps.

The disease, not fully understood, appears to be connected with tension and other emotional factors. In many cases, the hair will grow back again after the illness has subsided; and if the sufferer has been using a "hair restorer," he may sign a testimonial in good faith crediting it with his new hair growth. Baldness can stem from general ill-health, scalp infections, emotional problems, and diseases such as typhoid fever. The ordinary baldness of men, however, is the result of a combination of being male, one's age, and inheritance and, in medical terms, it is called "male pattern alopecia." Frankly, we do not have available yet a full understanding of ordinary baldness.

We know well enough that the tendency to it runs in certain families; that certain racial groups are more susceptible than others; that it is often associated with aging, perhaps because the fat layer between scalp and skull tends to disappear in men with advancing years. We know that the male sex hormone has something to do with it, as it has with the growth of body hair. And here we think it important to warn you never to take or use any preparation containing hormones or any preparation supposed to stop the action of a body hormone without your physician's advice.

Hair care Hair bleeching dandruff

A moderate amount of sunlight is helpful. For mild dandruff, you can use a lotion which your druggist may have in stock or your physician can prescribe: Mercuric bichloride 0.26 gram Euresol 8.0 cc Spirit of formic acid 30.0 cc Castor oil 8.0 cc Alcohol sufficient to make 240 cc Apply the lotion two or three times a week, rubbing it into the scalp. For persistent dandruff, an ointment can be used, either Pragmatar, which is made by Smith, Kline & French Co., or one your druggist can compound: Sulfur 2 grams Salicylic acid 2 grams Water 10 grams Aquaphor sufficient to make 30 grams Massage a small amount of either ointment into the scalp at night and remove the following morning by shampooing and rinsing. Use only a small amount so the ointment will not cling to the hair and be difficult to remove.

Oily dandruff can be more difficult to clear up. Apply a pure oil such as olive oil a short time before shampooing, to help loosen scales. Add " drop or two (no more) of ammonia to the rinse water, and rub a little vegetable or mineral oil into the scalp afterward. Again, it is important to use great care to prevent re-infecting yourself with your comb and brush; cleanse them thoroughly and often. And be sure any beauty parlor or barber shop you visit uses only sterilized combs and brushes. Almost every type of dandruff, including the severe type accompanied by itching, crusting, or inflammation (seborrheic dermatitis), will improve when treated with a selenium sulfide preparation (Selsun). You will need a prescription from your physician to obtain it. Alboline, Sebulix, Silicare, and Silicote are useful non-greasy preparations, but no preparation we know of actually cures dandruff. The main value of an effective preparation is that it keeps the dandruff under control and makes you wash and brush your hair regularly. Some people like to finish up with a plain shampoo after using a medicated preparation.

Gray Hair Pigment, of course, determines hair color. And hair grays because, for some reason still not understood completely, air spaces form in the hair shaft replacing pigment-usually in middle age, though it may happen prematurely. Graying, despite the stories you may hear, does not happen overnight, although illness has been known to cause rapid onset of gray- ing. As yet, there is no solid evidence that vitamins or anything else can prevent graying or restore original color to hair which has turned gray.

Hair Bleaching Hair can be bleached by ordinary hydrogen peroxide to which a drop of ammonia has been added. Sodium perborate bleaches can be harmful. And all bleaching, in fact, tends to alter hair texture. It is to be expected that new hairs, and new portions of hair round the roots, will grow in with the original color. The Skin, Hair, and Nails / 183 Hair Dyes Hair can also be tinted or dyed. 

Hair care

Brilliantine and similar pomades usually are made of mineral oil and keep the hair in place but nothing more. Sometimes the pomades are so heavy that they clog gland openings. It is generally best to avoid them. If your hair is oily after shampooing, a little alcohol, quickly rubbed off after application so it does not evaporate on the hair, will help. Your hair does not require singeing although you may have been told that singeing "seals up the ends, keeping in the oil, coloring, and other vital fluids." It does none of this. Sunlight is good for the hair in moderation, but will not make it grow. Nor will cutting the hair or shaving increase the growth rate. Keeping hair clean and brushed is the best procedure. Creme rinses are designed to help make hair more manageable and give it a feeling of softness after shampooing and rinsing. A creme rinse leaves a light film which may improve hair gloss. While egg shampoos and other protein rinses have been put forth as highly beneficial, there is no scientific evidence to support the claims. In fact, many investigators doubt that shampoos or rinses can penetrate the hair shafts, which are essentially lifeless structures.

They may, how- ever, have much the same effect as a creme rinse in influencing hair behavior by coating the outer surfaces of hairs. Dandruff a certain amount of dead cells, oil, bacteria, and dirt accumulating in the hair is natural and readily controllable with regular shampooing and rinsing. In dandruff, however, there are excesses and complications. The outer layer of scalp peels off in little white scales. The flakes become large, greasy, and yellowish. They may block sebaceous gland openings so the hair becomes dry, but more often dandruff is associated with in- creased activity of the glands and the hair becomes oily.

This latter condition is called oily seborrhea. And the scalp condition may be accompanied by greasy patches of skin on face, neck, and body. A number of factors can be responsible for dandruff: lowered resistance because of poor physical condition or nervous tension, infecting organisms, lack of absolute cleanliness. You may be able to clear dandruff by giving some attention to nutrition and general care of the body. Keeping hair and scalp scrupulously clean by shampooing and rinsing every few days may help. It's important to keep comb and brush clean. 

Hair and scalp, Hair care


Hair, which grows from the skin, can reflect, as the skin does, the general state of health. For example, dry, coarse hair may be an indication of under activity of the thyroid gland. While hair performs no indispensable function-and countless numbers of bald people live long and healthy lives-attractive, well-groomed hair can be psychologically important. Also, proper hair and scalp care can be important in the control of skin problems.

Care of the Hair

Hair, of course, should be kept clean. That requires a washing no less often than every ten days-more often if the hair tends to be oily. Plain toilet soap is excellent for the purpose, dissolved in a little water if you find it easier to use in liquid form. Good shampoos usually contain little, if anything, more of consequence than soap or detergent, along with some perfume to which you may happen to be allergic. Poor shampoos may contain an alkali or borax that may irritate the scalp. Washing removes both natural oil and dirt, and no shampoo we are aware of actually fulfills any claim that it restores oil while washing the hair. For oily hair, a tincture of green soap is satisfactory. For dry hair, a Castile shampoo is good. Don't forget to wash comb and brush at least as often as you wash your hair. After washing, rinse hair thoroughly. If your water supply is hard, soap is apt to leave a deposit on the hair. Some hard water can be softened by boiling; in other cases, distilling is necessary, but a nuisance. If you have very hard water and soap doesn't rinse off properly, you may want to use a soap less detergent.

While drying the hair, do not rub too hard. Sunlight or a hair dryer that blows air on the hair is good. So is gentle brushing during the drying. A little massage is helpful-but don't be too rough; just press the scalp with your fingers and move it about a little to stimulate the fatty tissue under the scalp. Do this once a day. One hundred daily strokes with a hairbrush is an old custom that deserves continuing; it is excellent for the hair, giving it a sleek and glossy look, and stimulating the glands that supply the natural oil. If your hair is dry, rub in a little pure olive oil or other oil after shampooing, or more often if necessary. Lanolin, somewhat overrated, works no magic. 

Friday, December 26, 2014

Skin care, Hair care, hair loss, shaving the hair how to prevent? infections - nail cutting

The root of the nail grows outward from pockets in the epidermis much as hair grows from a follicle. The nail is made up of living cells as far as the pale lunate, visible at the base of the nail. The rest of the nail, virtually all the visible portion, is made up of dead cells. Nail growth rate varies, depending upon such factors as age and season of the year. Nails tend to grow faster in young people and during summer months.

SKIN CARE Regular cleaning of normal skin with soap and water is desirable for both health and cosmetic reasons. Cleaning removes oily secretions, sweat, dead skin, and bacteria as well as any dirt present. There is no particular mystique about the cleaning process. A clean washcloth or complexion brush serves the purpose. Soap need not be massaged into the skin. It should always be rinsed off thoroughly. Normal skin tends to become dry with middle age, and a plain cold cream or oily lotion can be helpful. If the skin tends to be excessively oily, washing with a moderately drying soap two or three times daily and use of a non-greasy cleanser often will help. If the oiliness still persists, an astringent may be used two or three times a day on such oily areas as nose, chin, and forehead. If, however, any redness or unusual irritation develops, such preparations should be discontinued.

Germicidal soaps and antiseptics are not essential. Healthy skin is not bothered by germs that land on it. You should, of course, take proper care of cuts and scrapes.


Most men develop their own individual routines of shaving-and if they work well, if there are no problems of frequent cuts or infections, they need no change. For those, however, who do have troubles; a few guide- lines may be helpful. It is not commonly appreciated but actually the most effective beard softener in preparation for shaving is water. Two minutes' contact with warm water hydrates and softens bristles-and the warmer the water, the shorter the time needed. Soap or cream helps to accentuate and maintain the softness achieved with water. Apply the soap or cream after the water exposure, employ a sharp blade in a good quality safety razor, stretch the skin ahead of and in the path of the blade, and a good shave should result. After shaving, it is helpful to wash the face completely with warm water, and follow with an after-shave lotion. If you don't react well to Preventive Body Care perfumed lotions, ask your druggist to supply pure 70 percent alcohol. Finish the job with powder, especially over any areas that appear chafed. For cuts: Usually a small cut will stop bleeding if treated with cold water and some clean tissue paper.

By the time you have finished shaving, you should be able to remove the tissue gently with cold water and there should be no further problem. If there is, however, use a styptic. For infections: If there is any infection of the Face, shave around it. With infection present, discontinue using a shaving brush. Use a new blade for each shave, and shave non-infected portions of the face first. If infection covers a wide area, your physician may want you to continue shaving daily, even over the infection, in order that medicine he pre- scribes may penetrate more thoroughly into infected hair follicles. Electric razors: Men who use them insist that anyone who gives them a fair try will be converted.

For men with heavy beards whose work requires freedom from "five o'clock shadow," keeping a spare electric razor at work may be advisable. An often-useful procedure for men with excessively tough beards is to shave quickly with an electric shaver to remove 80 to 90 percent of the obvious stubble, then finish with lather and safety razor. This often produces an elegant result even with the toughest type of beard. 

Baldness, Hair loss, blonds, skin care, irritation, hair growth causes and medicines


Hair, which is part of the skin, varies considerably in texture from the soft, almost invisible type on the forehead to the long scalp hairs and the shorter, stiff hairs on the eyelids. The root of each hair is anchored at the bottom of a follicle, or tiny shaft. The follicle passes through the epidermis, deep into the dermal layer, and the follicle of a long hair may penetrate into the subcutaneous layer. Emptying into the follicles is sebaceous, or oil, glands. Each hair has a shaft which extends past the top of the follicle and is covered with microscopic overlapping scales. Cells in an inner layer of the shaft contain pigment that determines hair color. In white hair, these cells contain air rather than pigment.

Attached to each hair follicle, too, is a small bundle of muscle fibers which, under influence of cold or emotions, causes the hair to become erect and produces "goose flesh." The average scalp has about 100,000 hairs. Blonds generally have about 20,000 more and redheads about 20,000 less. Hereditary influences determine color, texture, and distribution of hair over head and body. Hairs can grow only so long as follicles are alive. Sometimes follicles wear out or are destroyed by illness. Baldness indicates that the follicles have stopped functioning. If the baldness is caused by disease, the hair may grow back. Most often, however, baldness is a hereditary condition and there is no known way to renew the hair follicles. 

Like baldness, the tendency for hair to turn gray is inherited. There is no evidence that graying is caused by a vitamin deficiency or a sudden emotional crisis. Hair follicles follow a cycle: they are active for a period, then wither, then rest, then become active again. Withering lasts several weeks and during this period hair shafts fall out. About 30 to 60 hairs are lost daily from the scalp but the follicles are not lost. After a resting period of several months, the hairs begin to grow again and continue to grow for several years.

Hair growth during the active period varies according to body location. Scalp hair growth has been measured at about .012 inch daily, beard growth at .15 inch. Elsewhere on the body, growth is slower. Nails Like hair, the fingernails and toenails are a specialized form of skin, as fingers and toes develop, a thin layer, known as the stratum lucidum, which separates dermis and epidermis, thickens and hardens. The fully developed nail overlays a modified part of the dermis, that is the nail bed. At its base, the nail is covered by epidermis. 

Care for The Skin, HAir And Nails - How to save from infection


THE SKIN is the body's largest organ, having an area in an average 150- pound person of 17 to 20 square feet and weighing about 6 pounds, twice as much as either liver or brain. It extends into the nose and other body cavities in the form of thin mucous membrane which secretes lubricating fluids. The skin is an enormously versatile and protective organ. It serves to keep body fluids in and foreign agents out, to shield against harmful rays, to help regulate body temperature.

It forms the body's shape, contains the sense of touch, is a main organ of sexual attraction. The skin even reflects much about the state of health of the body, as you may have noticed in sick people, and also about the state of mind, as is evident when someone blushes with embarrassment or pales with fear. And although beauty is a composite of many things, physical and mental, there is no doubt that an attractive, healthy skin contributes greatly to beauty.

The more knowledge you have about the skin, the better able will you prevent disturbances to it and maintain its integrity, beauty, and positive values. although it appears to be just a simple covering, a single square inch may contain some 70 feet of nerves, 650 sweat glands, blood vessels, 65 to 75 hairs and associated muscles, and hundreds of nerve endings for detecting pressure, pain, heat,   layers of tissue form the skin: epidermis, dermis, and sub- The Skin, Hair, and Nails cutaneous layer. The epidermis is the outer layer, and because living cells cannot survive exposure to air, the outermost portion of the epidermis, the visible surface, is actually made up of dead rather than living cells.

Microscopic layers of cells from the outer epidermis are constantly being lost through bathing and rubbing against clothing. They are re- placed from underneath by new cells formed in the malpighian layer of the epidermis. Here, in this deeper layer, where new cells are formed, the skin may be colored by a pigment called melanin, which has as its purpose the prevention of tissue damage from the more dangerous rays of the sun. Skin color is also influenced by another pigment which is yellow and by the presence of blood vessels in the dermal layer. Beneath the epidermis is the dermis, sometimes called the "true skin." At the top of the dermis is a layer of tiny, rounded ridges called papillae, which project outward, perhaps 150 million of them throughout the body.