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Showing posts with label galactocemia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label galactocemia. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How Blood Pressure Determination helps to find and Prevent diseases?

Measuring blood pressure is an even more important part of the medical check today than it was in the past. For one thing, we know now how common elevated pressure is, affecting at least 17 million Americans. For another thing, we know now that high blood pressure, or hypertension, is an important factor in stroke, heart disease, and kidney disease. And best of all, hypertension today almost invariably can be controlled. Blood pressure is simply the push of blood against the walls of the arteries. It is highest when the heart contracts and pumps blood into the arteries and this peak pressure is called systolic. It is lowest when the heart relaxes between beats, and this lower pressure is the diastolic.

To measure pressure, a basically simple, though not simply named, device, the sphygmomanometer, is used. It's an inflatable cuff attached to mercury or other type of meter. When the cuff is wrapped around the arm above the elbow and inflated, the inflation does two things: it drives the mercury column up to near the top of the gauge and it compresses an artery in the arm so no blood flows through. With his stethoscope placed on the artery, the physician listens as he gradually lets air out of the cuff. At some point, as the air is released, the pressure of blood in the artery will begin to exceed the pressure of air in the cuff, and the blood will begin to flow again in the artery.

The beginning of flow produces a thudding sound the physician can hear through the stethoscope, and at this point the mercury gauge shows what the systolic pressure is. Then, as more air is released from the cuff there comes a point when the thudding sound no longer can be heard, and at this point the mercury gauge shows the diastolic pressure. It is normal for pressure to vary somewhat from day to day, even minute to minute. It goes up with excitement, which is why in an examination a physician may wish to take your pressure several times. In some people, however, the blood pressure is nearly always higher than it should be. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

DISEASE SCENARIOS in body care, and how to cure or prevent it? 1000 posts following

Bacterial diseases and preventive medical care

In Preventive medical care new discoveries and inventions make great changes in the human life.
Another important development has been the discovery that death is really a slow intruder, that diseases do not suddenly spring up full-blown but often have long scenarios. In the Korean War, autopsies of young American soldiers revealed that in 54 percent of these youths, many of whom had only very recently attained manhood, coronary heart disease was already starting. We see- of the disease germinate in the early years and the ultimate heart attack is the end result of a long process in time, then here is a problem that can be combatted, for there is time to combat it. And there is evidence of what factors are involved, there are mere to fight; to retard, and perhaps even to prevent it from getting started Some of the most impressive preventive work recently has been the result of advances in the understanding of body chemistry-and of chemical abnormalities that may be inborn. It has now become possible to detect early in life, even almost immediately after birth, such inborn errors as phenylketonuria and galactosemia.

Detection of diseases

They involve inability to properly handle certain specific food elements, and simply by avoiding such elements it has become possible to prevent development of mental retardation, growth failure, and other serious problems. Understanding of the chemistry of disease is expanding rapidly, and there is growing confidence that the principles of early detection and treatment of diseases due to inborn chemical errors can be extended to many common chronic diseases. That 'can make it possible for the doctor in his practice to have to deal less-with severe complications triggered while a disease smoulders under the surface before calling attention to itself with obvious symptoms, and he can be concerned instead with The early detection of the still symptom-free but predisposed patient and correction of the basic problem before complications have a chance to Develop..

Already, for example, promising work is being done in detecting people with prediabetes-those who have no symptoms of diabetes but do have changes in body chemistry that may forecast eventual onset of overt diabetes. Early results of treating such patients with antidiabetic agents are regarded by some investigators as promising, suggesting it may be possible to prevent the development of diabetes and such complications as visual disturbances, circulatory disturbances, and increased risk of coronary heart disease. As we have noted earlier, kidney machines can be lifesavers for pa- tients with kidney failure-but it would be far 'better to prevent the failure. And there is growing hope now that in many cases failure may be prevented by attention to asymptomatic bacteria.

Bacteria detection

Asymptomatic bacteria simply means the presence of sizable numbers' of bacteria in the urine without causing symptoms. The condition may occur at any age and in either sex but is especially frequent in females, affecting 1.2 percent of schoolgirls and 6 percent of pregnant women. There is ovi- dence that if left untreated bacteria may eventually cause the kidney disease pyelonephritis, which in turn may result in kidney failure. Bacteria can be treated effectively once detected, and newer tests now make its detection simpler and more practical. Today, as the next chapter will show, many testing procedures are available to make it possible for the physician increasingly to anticipate and prevent disca rather than wait for it to appear.