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Showing posts with label weight gain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight gain. Show all posts

Monday, December 8, 2014

Treatment for low weight category- How to gain weight

Weight Gain 

There is no doubt that smoking, particularly when excessive, can interfere with enjoyment of good food and may dull the appetite somewhat. It may help, if you are a heavy smoker, to at least cut down and, if possible, to avoid cigarettes just before and at mealtimes, best of all, stop completely.


Many people find that a drink, such as a glass of sherry, when sipped in leisurely fashion before dinner helps bring about relaxation and has a stimulating effect on the appetite. Alcohol should not be substituted for food, but its moderate use may be helpful.  

8 Physical Activity   corrected, and there is likely to be an improvement in general. Feelings of listlessness and fatigue are likely to be replaced by sensations of alertness and energy. Sleep will be more restful. And I here is likely to be improved ability to relax and to voluntarily reduce tension.

FATIGUE, AND TENSION PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PERHAPS NOTHING else is more important as a means of maintaining health and even warding off some major diseases than a reasonable level of physical activity. It is no exaggeration to say that exercise is good for al- most everybody and everything-that virtually no one but a bed-ridden person doesn't stand to benefit from it. There is a curious irony. New discoveries are constantly revealing the deep need of the body for activity, the values (some not even dreamed of just a few years ago) of activity in restoring health after serious ill- ness, the values for mental and emotional as well as physical well-being. 

Yet, at the same time, most of us have less and less routine opportunity for activity in our daily lives unless we deliberately seek it, and few of us seek it. On the job and off, most of us today lead soft lives.

Progress-as represented by power tools and automation, elevators and cars, TV sets and electric toothbrushes-contributes to an ever-continuing reduction of physical expenditures. We need to search out opportunities for activity, to understand the basic principles involved, and to apply them. It is very clearly worth the effort.

Weight Gain - How to determine you have weight deficiency

If you are markedly underweight or are losing weight, medical advice is important. A chronic underweight condition or a sudden loss of weight is an indication of poor health. It may signal the presence of onset of disease-for example, diabetes, over activity of the thyroid gland or, especially in children, intestinal worms. Chronic infections and other problems also may lead to weight loss. Finding the cause is the job of a physician. Your responsibility is to watch your weight-and your children's-and seek medical advice when there is a definite abnormality of weight.


Usually, the advice of a physician is necessary in deciding whether you are really underweight. Quite possibly, if you are 10 to 15 pounds under the figures given in the chart on page 61, if your bones stick out all over your body, if the muscles don't cover the back, thighs, and buttocks with resilient protection, or if your face is thin and drawn, you are underweight. However, you may be the long lean type whose weight normally runs below the given figures. Your physician, by considering results of his physical examination, including observations of the size and bony framework of your body, can decide fairly accurately whether you are underweight.

If your extreme thinness is due to ill health, it is, of course, the physician's responsibility to determine what the problem is and to correct it. You will respond well when a chronic infection is the cause and is eliminated, or when thyroid gland functioning is at the root of the problem and is corrected. If the problem lies with failure to eat enough of the right food, your doctor can help you plan a diet that will add needed weight. Depending upon your individual problem and needs, your physician may suggest some or all of the following aids: TIME. It takes time to eat properly and to enjoy food. Pleasant company may help you to prolong your mealtime so you can eat more with- out feeling stuffed. If it is necessary for you to eat alone, you may find it helpful to listen to the radio, particularly to music, or even to read to keep from being bored. It can also be helpful to relax before meals. It is difficult to eat well when you are tired.


It can be helpful Weight Control / 79 10 substitute high-calorie vegetables such as peas, potatoes, and Lima lw.ms for bulky low-calorie ones. Within the bounds of moderation, you ("" eat somewhat more of desserts, cream soups, bread, nuts and olives, 01111 and salad dressings. You can get into the habit of adding an extra pill of margarine to your vegetables and to many soups.

EAT MORE. You can do it. Another piece of bread, a second helping, soon becomes matters of habit.


 You can learn to enjoy them, finding ones that do not spoil your appetite.


 Although they have a role in the diet, sweets present a problem. Candy, jellies, pastry, cake, and ice cream are concentrated sources of energy. But they may satiate the appetite for more valuable foods. They may also, particularly in children and young adults, increase the decay of teeth. If they do not interfere with your appetite and do help you to gain weight, be sure to have frequent dental checkups. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Food Intake Suggestions For Weight Control, Weight Loss

Weight Control, Weight loss Suggestions

Don’t taste while cooking and don't lick the bowl when finished cooking. It has been said jokingly, but not without a grain of truth, that half the overweight.

 House wives in this country have tasted or licked themselves. Add a great deal in calories. Are they worth it? If you happened to be a "snacker," you can study the snack chart. Consider that a cup of tea or coffee, without cream, with, spoonful of sugar, contains only 16 calories; it may satisfy yourself or at least take the edge off it, and provide the quick energy you.

On the other hand, a chocolate sundae will run between 300 and 500 calories, and half a brick of plain ice cream is 200 (and even low-calorie ice cream is 100). Nibbling between meals does help some people to diet by decreasing their appetite at mealtime.

 If you try this, keep careful count of calories  you will know whether or not it is really helping you. Nibbling also may be suggested by a physician for some heart patients, since the body can manage five or six very small meals daily more easily than the customary three, one or two of which may be fairly heavy.

The idea that you are helping your children when you sample their dinners or finish their portions is one that ought to be dropped. It helps neither them nor you-and can become a fattening habit. 



 Miscellaneous Sugar 1 level tbsp. or 3 level tsp. 50 Jam or jelly 1 level tbsp. 60 Peanut butter 1 tbsp. 100 atsup or chili sauce 2 tbsp. 35 White sauce, medium 1/4 cup 100 Brown gravy 1/2 cup 80 Boiled dressing (cooked) 1 tbsp. 30 Mayonnaise 1 tbsp. 100 french dressing 1 tbsp. 60 Salad oil, olive oil, etc. 1 tbsp. 125 Margarine 1 tbsp. 

100 Herbs and spices 0 Chocolate sauce 2 tbsp. 90 Cheese sauce 2 tbsp. 65 Butterscotch sauce 2 tbsp. 200 Beverages Ice-cream soda 1 regular 250 Chocolate malted 8 oz. glass 300 Chocolate milk 8 oz. glass 185 Cocoa made with milk 1 cup 175 Tea or coffee, plain 0 Apple juice or cider 1/2 cup 65 Grape juice 1/2 cup 90 Cola drink 8 oz. 95 Ginger ale 8 oz. 70 Grapefruit juice, unsweetened 1/2 cup 40 Pineapple juice 1/2 cup 55 Prune juice 1/2 cup 85 Tomato juice 1/2 cup 25


Rather than whole milk, use skim or powdered milk for your beverages (hot skimmed milk is enjoyed by some people in breakfast coffee) and in cooking soups, mashed potatoes, gravies, etc. Powdered milk is quite good for gravies. 

You can separate out your portion and then add cream or butter or margarine for the rest of the family. The cream you save can be used to convert your low-calorie gelatin or fruit desserts into higher-calorie desserts for others in the family. 

Use plain cottage cheese instead of butter or margarine. It is especially good with chives, or onion or celery salt, on thin dry (Melba) toast.

Cook thinly chopped spinach and other greens in very little water to which you add J. bouillon cube, and you are not likely to miss the butter.  

Weight reduction


Weight reduction on a sound basis calls for the special knowledge of a physician. He will make certain that you do not lose your health while losing excess weight; that you do not reduce too rapidly and thereby put a strain on your heart and circulation; that you do not find yourself with a cosmetic problem because you have lost weight but have not regained skin tone and end up with flabby masses of pendulous skin. He will suggest proper exercise. 

He will also prescribe vitamins, minerals, and other substances, if necessary, to prevent weakening of bones and organs and to maintain resistance to disease. For example, if you use a "no-calorie" salad dressing made of mineral oil, your doctor may want you to take some vitamins, because mineral oil lends to prevent adequate absorption of some of the vitamins your diet would ordinarily provide. Moreover, it helps considerably if you can have your diet suitably adjusted to your eating habits.

You may be one of those who will be miserable if deprived of a bedtime snack. You may prefer a substantial dinner and be willing to cut down on lunch to have it. A physician can help you establish a sound diet and one best suited to your needs. He may, if necessary, prescribe sedatives for your use during the toughest phase of dieting; the psychological aspects of a relationship with a sympathetic, encouraging physician also can be of great importance during dieting and later on in maintaining low weight. A doctor's encouragement and praise of a patient's efforts in reducing, we have found, can be of major value.


 Should you take drugs to reduce? Without a doctor's supervision, never. If, in an individual case, a physician feels that an anti-appetite drug as a temporary prop is justifiable, he will prescribe it-and it should be taken exactly as prescribed. Most physicians, however, prefer to have a patient Weight Control / 67 rely on willpower and determination rather than on drugs and to adjust the diet so this is feasible. In the past, medicines for weight reduction generally were based on amphetamine and so stimulated patients that physicians were reluctant to use them. Now, a number of appetite-reducing agents are available, free of the side effect of overstimulation.

These apparently safer agents are available only on prescription. Over-the-counter reducing preparations are big business. At worst, they can be risky business because of the possibility of side effects; at best, the money is foolishly spent because in and of them the medicines are not to be relied upon for effective permanent weight reduction. The problem with even safe reducing agents is that they are only supports that help temporarily. 

It makes much more sense-s-and has far greater chance of permanent success-to regulate your diet by a healthy change in eating habits which, once desired weight reduction is achieved, can be continued with some upward shift in calorie intake, to maintain you at proper weight. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014


By definition, an obese person is anyone who weighs 30 percent or more over what he or she should weigh. Even if you are not that much over- weight, it can be important to lose the first 10 pounds or so of excess, because the chances are that if you are overweight at all, you will gain Weight Control / 6 more in the future, and it is easier to lose 10 pounds than 20, 30, 50, or 100. Usually, your mirror provides you with a fairly good clue about whether you are too heavy. You can consult the accompanying table to determine whether your eyes have deceived you.


Weight in pounds, according to frame, as ordinarily dressed, including shoes
(WITH SHOES ON)                                                           
FT. IN.   SMALL FRAME                   MEDIUM FRAME              LARGE FRAME
5              2              116-125                                124-133                131-142
5              3              119-128                                127-136                133-144
5              4              122-132                                130-140                137-149
5              5              126-136                                134-144                141-153
5              6              129-139                                137-147                145-157
5              7              133-143                                141-151                149-162
5              8              136-147                                145-160                153-166
5              9              140-151                                149-160                157-170
5              10           144-155                                153-164                161-175
5              11           148-164                                157-168                165-180
6              0              152-164                                161-173                169-185
6              1              157-169                                166-178                174-190
6              2              163-175                                171-184                179-196
6              3              168-180                                176-189                184-202
4              11           104-111                                110-118                117-127
5              0              105-113                                112-120                119-129
5              1              107-115                                114-122                121-131
5              2              110-118                                117-125                124-135
5              3              113-121                                120-128                127-138
5              4              116-125                                124-132                131-142
5              5              119-128                                127-135                133-145
5              6              123-132                                130-140                138-150
5              7              126-136                                134-144                142-154
5              8              129-139                                137-147                145-158
5              9              133-143                                141-151                149-162
5              10           136-147                                145-155                152-166
5              11           139-150                                148-158                155-169

You will note that this table, unlike some others, gives desirable rather than average weights. Average people tend to become fat with the passing of the years, and this is not desirable. Average weight tables reflect the fatties who make up the upper part of the average. Note that in each ural weight group there is an allowance or range of about 10 pounds. If you have lost or gained a few pounds outside the limits for your height and frame, discuss the matter with your physician at the next visit.

 If you vary 15 or more pounds from the limits, make an appointment for an immediate checkup. There are several simple tests, too, by which you can assess your actual fatness. One, the ruler test, is based on the fact that if there is no excess of fat, the abdominal surface between the flare of the ribs and front of the pelvis normally is flat. If you lie flat on your back and place a ruler on the abdomen, along the midline of the body, it should not point upward at the midsection. 

If it does, you need to slim down. The skinfold, or pinch, test simply calls for grasping a "pinch" of skin with thumb and forefinger-at your waist, stomach, upper arm, but- tocks, and calf. At least half of body fat is directly under the skin. Generally, the layer beneath the skin-which is what you measure with the pinch since only the fat, not muscle, pinches-should be between one-fourth and one-half inch. Since, with your pinch, you are getting a double thickness, it normally should be one-half to one inch.

A fold much greater than one inch indicates excess body fatness- one much thinner than half an inch indicates abnormal thinness.

GLANDULAR VERSUS ORDINARY OVERWEIGHT Some 50 years ago, when hormones were discovered, there was a common notion that obesity must be due to some hormone problem. When this turned out to be rarely the case, there was a shift to the idea that obesity is never due to hormonal disturbances but is always the result of overeating. Today, some physicians think that the reasonable view is that to become obese it is always necessary to eat more than you need for the energy you expend, and how often this may be due to some shift in hormone functioning, even within the so-called normal range of such functioning, is simply unknown.

What is known is that in those relatively few cases where a hormone problem can be detected and corrected, it is most commonly the thyroid gland that is at fault. Located at the side and in front of the windpipe, just below the" Adam's apple," the one-ounce thyroid gland acts some- what like a thermostat, regulating the rate at which body organs function and the speed with which the body uses food. With an overactive thyroid, body functions speed up noticeably. 

There may be a perceptibly faster heartbeat, nervousness, difficulty in sleeping at night, and weight loss. With an underactive thyroid producing inadequate amounts of thyroid hormone, there is a tendency to be lethargic and to gain weight. When thyroid dysfunction is suspected in an overweight person (or anyone else, there are tests-basal metabolism and others-that can determine whether, in fact, there is a problem. If under activity is established

Weight Loss and body mechanism


It would be a fallacy to say that obesity is ever the one and only cause of a death. But the association between overweight and excessive death rates is unmistakable. Among overweight men, mortality from all causes is 150 percent that for other men; among overweight women, 147 per- cent that for other women. 

As for individual diseases, insurance statistics show that overweight men and overweight women, respectively, have these excesses of mortality as compared with the general population: 142 and 175 percent for heart attacks; 159 and 162 percent for cerebral hemorrhage; 191 and 212 percent for chronic nephritis (kidney disease); 168 and 211 percent for liver and gallbladder cancer; 383 and 372 per- cent for diabetes; 249 and 147 percent for cirrhosis of the liver; 154 and ) percent for hernia and intestinal obstruction; 152 and 188 percent f or non -cancerous gallbladder diseases. Obvert is associated with many diverse types of health hazards. There are breathing difficulties, since the greater the weight in the chest.

wall, the greater the work involved in breathing. With their increased difficulty in breathing, obese people have less tolerance for exercise. They have a higher rate of respiratory infection than do people of normal weight. They may experience two complications related to their breathing problem: lethargy may develop because of accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood from decreased ventilation; and as the result of reduced levels of oxygen in the blood, the body, trying to compensate, may produce increased amounts of red blood cells. 

The latter condition, called polycythemia, often is responsible for the ruddy complexion of obese people. It may lead to blood-clotting problems. Heart enlargement and congestive heart failure attributable to obesity have been reported. Many studies have established that more hypertension, or high blood pressure, exists among the obese than among the non-obese, that the obese hypertensive experiences a greater risk of coronary heart disease than the non-obese hypertensive, and that mortality rates for obese hypertensive persons are greater than for others with obesity alone or hypertension alone. Obese people often have impaired carbohydrate tolerance that may be sufficient in degree to be classified as diabetes.

Difficulties during anesthesia and surgery have been associated with obesity. In women with significant degrees of obesity, menstrual abnormalities and abnormal hair growth (hairsutism) have been observed with some frequency. For pregnant women, obesity can be a hazard in several ways: it is associated with a greater incidence of toxemia, of complications during delivery, and of stillbirths. Some skin problems are related to obesity. Thus, the extra surface area of the skin in the obese person may lead to excessive perspiration, and the juxtaposition of moist skin areas in adjacent folds may lead to boils, fungal infections, and other inflammatory conditions.

It has been well established that in many health problems, significant benefits often follow loss of weight. Among such conditions are hyper- tension, angina pectoris, congestive heart failure, varicose veins, rupture of intervertebral disks, osteoarthritis, and many other varieties of bone and joint disease. And certainly not to be omitted from even a partial list, many foot aches and backaches may be relieved to a significant extent, sometimes even completely, by weight loss.