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Showing posts with label optimum weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label optimum weight. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

weight loss-fried foods-sweets-starches- diet control, natural diet

Avoid fried foods, especially those that are French fried. It is difficult to determine just how many calories these foods contain, since they absorb varying amounts of fat, but it is always a great deal. Boil or poach eggs; you won't mind unbuttered toast if you serve your egg on it. Try cooking eggs on a griddle or the type of pan that does not require greasing. If you cook stews ahead of time and let them cool, you can remove the hardened fat, at least from your portion-and stews often are even better when rewarmed. Trim fat from your meat, and omit rich gravy.


An artificial sweetener, in tablet, powdered, liquid, or crystal form, can be used in many ways in addition to sweetening beverages. It can be used with skim milk on cereal and on strawberries or other fruits, cooked or uncooked. (If you serve fruit stewed in sugar, give the syrup to someone who needs the calories.) Sponge and angel cake are not very high in calories if you separate out your portions before adding icing for others in the family or before adding jam or fruit syrup. Make your own gelatin desserts so you can use saccharin for your portion, sugar for the rest. Take very small portions of any dessert, and avoid soft drinks unless you use the low-calorie types.


Undoubtedly you are accustomed to getting bulk from starches. You can get it instead from leafy green vegetables. Don't munch on bread and butter. In restaurants, ask the waiter not to bring the bread until he serves the main course. In some areas, salads are served first-a good idea because salads take the edge off your hunger before you get to the higher-calorie foods. Use wine vinegar with herbs or lemon juice on your own salad while serving richer dressings to others. Good gravies can be made without flour; one way is to use powdered milk which is fat-free.

Vegetables, either dried ones or fresh ones cooked down, and herbs will thicken stews. Chinese restaurants serve bulky, low-calorie dishes-if you avoid the rice. Many Chinese vegetables can be purchased in stores. Avoid restaurants that have a strictly enforced "no substitutes" rule. Many restaurants will give you an extra vegetable or an extra serving of the one on your dinner, or a salad, in place of potatoes. When serving soups such as minestrone or chowder, take mainly the clear part for yourself, leaving most of the macaroni, potatoes, and so on, for the others. 



 Miscellaneous Sugar 1 level tbsp. or 3 level tsp. 50 Jam or jelly 1 level tbsp. 60 Peanut butter 1 tbsp. 100 atsup or chili sauce 2 tbsp. 35 White sauce, medium 1/4 cup 100 Brown gravy 1/2 cup 80 Boiled dressing (cooked) 1 tbsp. 30 Mayonnaise 1 tbsp. 100 french dressing 1 tbsp. 60 Salad oil, olive oil, etc. 1 tbsp. 125 Margarine 1 tbsp. 

100 Herbs and spices 0 Chocolate sauce 2 tbsp. 90 Cheese sauce 2 tbsp. 65 Butterscotch sauce 2 tbsp. 200 Beverages Ice-cream soda 1 regular 250 Chocolate malted 8 oz. glass 300 Chocolate milk 8 oz. glass 185 Cocoa made with milk 1 cup 175 Tea or coffee, plain 0 Apple juice or cider 1/2 cup 65 Grape juice 1/2 cup 90 Cola drink 8 oz. 95 Ginger ale 8 oz. 70 Grapefruit juice, unsweetened 1/2 cup 40 Pineapple juice 1/2 cup 55 Prune juice 1/2 cup 85 Tomato juice 1/2 cup 25


Rather than whole milk, use skim or powdered milk for your beverages (hot skimmed milk is enjoyed by some people in breakfast coffee) and in cooking soups, mashed potatoes, gravies, etc. Powdered milk is quite good for gravies. 

You can separate out your portion and then add cream or butter or margarine for the rest of the family. The cream you save can be used to convert your low-calorie gelatin or fruit desserts into higher-calorie desserts for others in the family. 

Use plain cottage cheese instead of butter or margarine. It is especially good with chives, or onion or celery salt, on thin dry (Melba) toast.

Cook thinly chopped spinach and other greens in very little water to which you add J. bouillon cube, and you are not likely to miss the butter.  

Exercises for weight control


 For years, the role of exercise in reducing has been misinterpreted. Today, regular exercise is known to be essential for maintaining good health and preventing many diseases as well as being a vital adjunct to dirt for weight control. As some put it, diet is half the battle for weight control; it helps you on your way. Exercise provides the vitality and the drive; it helps take you where you want to go. There are still two widely prevalent misconceptions about exercise and weight control.

 One is that it takes great amounts of time and effort to use up enough calories to affect weight significantly. The other is that exercise increases the appetite and the end result is increase, not decrease, in weight. The misconception about time and effort stems from the impression that any exercise has to be accomplished in a single uninterrupted session. To be sure, it takes an hour's jogging to use up 900 calories, but one does not have to do all the jogging in one stretch. 

One must walk 35 miles to lose a pound of fat, but walking an additional mile a day for 35 days will take off the pound.

One can lose 10 pounds in a year by walking an extra mile a day. In one dramatic demonstration of the value of exercise, the daily food intake of a group of university students was doubled, from 3,000 calories daily to 6,000. At the same time, exercise each day was stepped up. 

There was no gain in weight. 68 / Building General Health as Preventive Therapy Another fact about exercise that deserves consideration: Body weight affects the amount of energy expended whatever the activity may be -walking, jogging, tennis playing, or anything else. For example, a 100- pound individual walking 3 miles per hour will burn about 50 calories in 15 minutes; someone weighing 200 pounds would use up as many as 80 calories in the same period. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014


By definition, an obese person is anyone who weighs 30 percent or more over what he or she should weigh. Even if you are not that much over- weight, it can be important to lose the first 10 pounds or so of excess, because the chances are that if you are overweight at all, you will gain Weight Control / 6 more in the future, and it is easier to lose 10 pounds than 20, 30, 50, or 100. Usually, your mirror provides you with a fairly good clue about whether you are too heavy. You can consult the accompanying table to determine whether your eyes have deceived you.


Weight in pounds, according to frame, as ordinarily dressed, including shoes
(WITH SHOES ON)                                                           
FT. IN.   SMALL FRAME                   MEDIUM FRAME              LARGE FRAME
5              2              116-125                                124-133                131-142
5              3              119-128                                127-136                133-144
5              4              122-132                                130-140                137-149
5              5              126-136                                134-144                141-153
5              6              129-139                                137-147                145-157
5              7              133-143                                141-151                149-162
5              8              136-147                                145-160                153-166
5              9              140-151                                149-160                157-170
5              10           144-155                                153-164                161-175
5              11           148-164                                157-168                165-180
6              0              152-164                                161-173                169-185
6              1              157-169                                166-178                174-190
6              2              163-175                                171-184                179-196
6              3              168-180                                176-189                184-202
4              11           104-111                                110-118                117-127
5              0              105-113                                112-120                119-129
5              1              107-115                                114-122                121-131
5              2              110-118                                117-125                124-135
5              3              113-121                                120-128                127-138
5              4              116-125                                124-132                131-142
5              5              119-128                                127-135                133-145
5              6              123-132                                130-140                138-150
5              7              126-136                                134-144                142-154
5              8              129-139                                137-147                145-158
5              9              133-143                                141-151                149-162
5              10           136-147                                145-155                152-166
5              11           139-150                                148-158                155-169

You will note that this table, unlike some others, gives desirable rather than average weights. Average people tend to become fat with the passing of the years, and this is not desirable. Average weight tables reflect the fatties who make up the upper part of the average. Note that in each ural weight group there is an allowance or range of about 10 pounds. If you have lost or gained a few pounds outside the limits for your height and frame, discuss the matter with your physician at the next visit.

 If you vary 15 or more pounds from the limits, make an appointment for an immediate checkup. There are several simple tests, too, by which you can assess your actual fatness. One, the ruler test, is based on the fact that if there is no excess of fat, the abdominal surface between the flare of the ribs and front of the pelvis normally is flat. If you lie flat on your back and place a ruler on the abdomen, along the midline of the body, it should not point upward at the midsection. 

If it does, you need to slim down. The skinfold, or pinch, test simply calls for grasping a "pinch" of skin with thumb and forefinger-at your waist, stomach, upper arm, but- tocks, and calf. At least half of body fat is directly under the skin. Generally, the layer beneath the skin-which is what you measure with the pinch since only the fat, not muscle, pinches-should be between one-fourth and one-half inch. Since, with your pinch, you are getting a double thickness, it normally should be one-half to one inch.

A fold much greater than one inch indicates excess body fatness- one much thinner than half an inch indicates abnormal thinness.

GLANDULAR VERSUS ORDINARY OVERWEIGHT Some 50 years ago, when hormones were discovered, there was a common notion that obesity must be due to some hormone problem. When this turned out to be rarely the case, there was a shift to the idea that obesity is never due to hormonal disturbances but is always the result of overeating. Today, some physicians think that the reasonable view is that to become obese it is always necessary to eat more than you need for the energy you expend, and how often this may be due to some shift in hormone functioning, even within the so-called normal range of such functioning, is simply unknown.

What is known is that in those relatively few cases where a hormone problem can be detected and corrected, it is most commonly the thyroid gland that is at fault. Located at the side and in front of the windpipe, just below the" Adam's apple," the one-ounce thyroid gland acts some- what like a thermostat, regulating the rate at which body organs function and the speed with which the body uses food. With an overactive thyroid, body functions speed up noticeably. 

There may be a perceptibly faster heartbeat, nervousness, difficulty in sleeping at night, and weight loss. With an underactive thyroid producing inadequate amounts of thyroid hormone, there is a tendency to be lethargic and to gain weight. When thyroid dysfunction is suspected in an overweight person (or anyone else, there are tests-basal metabolism and others-that can determine whether, in fact, there is a problem. If under activity is established