About $1.5 billion is
spent yearly for vitamins, much of it by healthy people convinced by
high-powered advertising that they need extra vitamins. While essential,
vitamins are required only in minute amounts, and a fully adequate supply is
provided by a balanced, varied diet. To be sure, some people, relatively few,
may need vitamin supplementation because they do not absorb certain vitamins
properly when they are on vigorous reducing diets. In such cases, medical
advice is required.
Vitamins in excess cannot restore the vigor of youth or
perform other assorted health miracles. If diet is poor, vitamin-deficiency
diseases may result: scurvy, with its gum bleeding, muscle aching, general weakness
caused by deficiency of vitamin C; rickets with its bone deformities from
deficiency of vitamin D; pellagra with its mental deterioration from deficiency
of one of the B vitamins (niacin).
Correction of a deficiency when it exists may produce near-miraculous
changes. But unless there is an actual deficiency, increasing vitamin intake
with supplements-adding more to what is already adequate---can be useless,
needlessly expensive, and in the case of some vitamins such as A and D can be
harmful, since these two vitamins can accumulate in the body to poisonous
levels. Some interesting, though not definitive, reports on the possible value
of large doses of vitamin C taken early during a common cold have appeared
The following table lists excellent sources of principal
vitamins: Vitamin E Vegetable greens: beets, kale, chard, mustard, spinach,
turnips Yellow vegetables: carrots, yellow squash, sweet potatoes Beef liver
Cod-liver oil, halibut-liver oil Vitamin
B (several vitamins, including niacin and thiamine, make up the B family)
Liver, pork, beef, salmon Whole-wheat bread, enriched bread, oatmeal and other
cereals Peanuts, peanut butter Vitamin C Citrus fruits: oranges, lemons,
grapefruits, limes Tomato juice (fresh or canned) Strawberries, raspberries,
gooseberries, currants Vitamin D Halibut-liver oil and other refined fish-oil
preparations Vitamin D milk Exposure of the skin to sunlight