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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Dental care

Dentists take the time to show patients exactly how to break up and clean away plaque with toothbrushing methods not the same as those most of us use; and they demonstrate the use of dental floss, not as most of us use it to merely dislodge food particles from between the teeth, but also to get plaque off the sides of the teeth. 

They send patients home with a supply of wafers and a little dental mirror to be used for self-checking on home cleaning. They take the time to recheck with wafers in the office on subsequent visits to make certain home care is effective. Ideally, the mouth should be cleansed immediately after a meal or snack. Practically, that is a difficult goal for many people. But these dentists emphasize that, because it takes 24 hours or more for plaque to reform, even a single thorough cleansing of the mouth at night before retiring can go a long way to minimize decay and gum disease.

And these dentists can point to patients, children andadults, with long histories of severe decay brought under control by educated home care. Among these dentists are periodontitis, specialists in gum diseases, who get only the worst cases referred to them-so far advanced that surgery to eliminate the deep gum pockets is necessary. But, typically, they will not operate until the patient is shown how to care for his mouth at home and goes on a prevention program for several weeks or even months. In virtually every case, these periodontitis report, they are able to demonstrate that the patient himself, with proper home care, can bring even the most advanced periodontal disease under control so that, once surgical repairs are made, there will be no recurrence.

 Under way today is a vast amount of research seeking additional preventive measures. Before long, anti-decay agents may be going into foods. Recent studies with children suggest that a chemical, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, added to breakfast cereals, can help reduce decay. Other work indicates that adding phosphate to chewing gum can be similarly helpful. In a dozen laboratories, scientists are busy trying to develop a vaccine that may immunize against decay-causing bacteria. Much other research is going on. But the preventive measures available right now can drastically reduce dental disease.