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Thursday, January 8, 2015



While still microscopic in size, protozoa are much larger than bacteria. Protozoan diseases occur in this country, but they are much more prevalent in the tropics. An amoeba, a particularly dangerous protozoan, causes a severe form of dysentery. Another protozoan causes malaria. The dreaded African sleeping sickness is caused by a protozoan carried by the tsetse fly.


Some of these can be seen by the unaided eye, but others can be identified only with a microscope. The smallest are roughly the size of pin- heads, while a tapeworm can grow to a 30-foot length. Many parasites, including the flukes (one of the two types of flat- worms), are more prevalent in the tropics than here. The other type of flatworm, the tapeworm, is found in this country and is acquired by eating beef, pork, or fish containing the parasite. Inside the intestine, the tapeworm attaches itself to the intestinal wall and proceeds to grow. 

Some roundworms are also common in this country, especially in the South. They include the pinworm, intestinal roundworm, and hookworm. Another roundworm, found in pork, causes trichinosis, a disease in which the parasites eventually get into muscles. 

FUNGI Related to mushrooms, fungi are smaller growths. It is a tiny fungus that produces the green or white mold on stale bread; another causes athlete's foot; others are responsible for various skin disorders; still others pro- duce internal infections. There are many fungal diseases. Fortunately, most are rare in this country.