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Friday, January 9, 2015

Depression and Treatments


Electroshock treatment is particularly valuable in severe depression when there may be danger of suicide. Recently, a new technique of electroshock has shown promise. Brief bursts of current are applied to one side of the brain instead of to both sides.The one-sided treatment has been reported to be fully as effective as two-sided, while minimizing or even completely avoiding the temporary confusion and memory disturbance that may sometimes follow the latter. 

Solving the Major Problem The big problem is recognition of depression, particularly when it leads, as it so often does, to distressing physical troubles. Keenly aware of their real aches and pains, people with depression often regard their blue feelings as results, not causes.

Many try doctoring themselves for long periods, fruitlessly. If and when they do seek medical help, many fail to mention any feelings of dejection. Some even vehemently deny feeling depressed, many doctors find, apparently out of a belief there is something shameful about depression. There is not. It is one of the most common of all disorders and hits people in all walks of life, even the most brilliant. Now something can be done about it. 

When you seek medical help for any physical complaint, a good doctor will usually want to ask many questions, get a full case history. Increasingly alert to what depression can do, to the many physical disguises it can take; he will want to probe for any clues that it may be a factor in your case. Cooperate. You can help by answering his questions and by volunteering information. 

If you have experienced a change of mood-if, along with your physical troubles, you have been aware of feeling low in mind, dejected, for months or even weeks-let him know.

The chances are that by doing so you will save yourself much misery and needless expense. Suicide is a constant threat in the depressed person.