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Monday, January 19, 2015



 The act of revealing one's body, usually the genital organ, is essentially similar to "peeping." A certain amount of "showing off" is normal and not to be confused with the exhibitionism of a mal- adjusted person. The maladjusted individual may be attempting to reassure himself against fears of sexual inferiority or may be expressing defiance toward a seemingly hostile world by trying to ·shock people with his exhibitionism.


 This is considerably different from self- respect and from the satisfaction any normal person derives from looking well. The term narcissism comes from the name of a Greek youth who, according to myth, saw his own reflection. In a pond and became so enamored of it that he fell in and was drowned while trying to embrace himself. Most children go through a stage of being attracted to their own images in a mirror. They may remark, "You're pretty," and even, "I love you." People who do not outgrow this stage are often so basically inse- cure that they feel no one else will ever love them. This preoccupation is often accompanied by a preference for masturbation rather than sexual intercourse. Such people are incapable of loving anyone else. They may marry for money to spend on their true beloved ones-themselves.


 Nymphomania (excessive desire in a woman for intercourse) and satyrism (excessive desire in a man) are rare. The terms often are mistakenly applied to promiscuous or highly sexed people but should be reserved for compulsive sexuality which cannot be satisfied. Such sexuality, like compulsive eating, often springs from insecurity and may be indulged in to ward off anxiety. Unable to find hoped- for release in intercourse, such people are driven desperately to try, try again. A nymphomaniac often is unable to experience orgasm, remaining unsatisfied no matter how often she has intercourse. She may be unconsciously homosexual and unable to find what she is seeking in any man, or she may unconsciously feel that intercourse is wicked and she must not enjoy it fully.

The male equivalent may be similarly maladjusted; he may be an unconscious homosexual or have intense conflicts due to guilt, fear, or inferiority feelings, intercourse with animals is a practice fairly common among shepherds and others who are isolated from women. It has been reported by Kinsey that about 17 percent of all males raised on farms have had some sexual experience with animals. However, actual preference for sex relations with animals is due to an emotional maladjustment involving feelings of inferiority. Even a woman who showers affection on a pet may be afraid to bestow it on a fellow human being. She may tell herself that people are unworthy of her love, but she is actually afraid they will not appreciate her because she is unworthy.