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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day dreaming helps the mind in doing complex tasks later

Courtesy Times Of India

NEW DELHI: Daydreaming - spontaneous thoughts and associations - is often thought to take away the focus of the mind struggling with a boring monotonous task. But a new study of the human brain has thrown up a surprising result - daydreaming can prepare the mind to better address many tasks by switching on bigger networks of brain cells. 

Scientists at Bar-Ilan University first demonstrated how an external stimulus of low-level electricity can literally change the way we think, producing a measurable up-tick in the rate at which daydreams occur. It is for the first time that a region of the brain was identified as the source for triggering daydreams. 

Along the way, they made another surprising discovery: that while daydreams offer a welcome "mental escape" from boring tasks, they also have a positive, simultaneous effect on task performance. 

The new study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, was carried out in Bar-Ilan's Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory supervised by Prof. Moshe Bar. 

In the experiment, designed and executed by Prof. Bar's post-doctoral researcher Dr. Vadim Axelrod, participants were treated with tDCS, a painless procedure that uses low-level electricity to stimulate specific brain regions. They found that when the frontal lobes were stimulated, subjects reported their brain to start wandering. 

"We focused TDCS stimulation on the frontal lobes because this brain region has been previously implicated in mind wandering, and also because is a central locus of the executive control network that allows us to organize and plan for the future," Bar explained, adding that he suspected that there might be a connection between the two. 

"Our results go beyond what was achieved in earlier, fMRI-based studies," Bar states. "They demonstrate that the frontal lobes play a causal role in the production of mind wandering behavior." 

In an unanticipated finding, the present study demonstrated how the increased mind wandering behavior produced by external stimulation not only does not harm subjects' ability to succeed at an appointed task, it actually helps. Bar believes that this surprising result might stem from the convergence, within a single brain region, of both the "thought controlling" mechanisms of executive function and the "thought freeing" activity of spontaneous, self-directed daydreams. 

"Over the last 15 or 20 years, scientists have shown that - unlike the localized neural activity associated with specific tasks - mind wandering involves the activation of a gigantic default network involving many parts of the brain," Bar says. "This cross-brain involvement may be involved in behavioral outcomes such as creativity and mood, and may also contribute to the ability to stay successfully on-task while the mind goes off on its merry mental way."

Cure for sleeping sickness comes closer to reality

Courtesy Zee News

Washington: Researchers have recently revealed that disrupting parasite that causes sleeping sickness with drugs can help combat the disease.
Scientists identified a protein, called proliferating cell nuclear antigen or PCNA, that was vital to the sleeping sickness parasite's good health. Disrupting this protein with drugs could potentially make it impossible for the parasite to reproduce and survive, reducing the health dangers to its human hosts.
The discovery suggested multiple ways to disrupt PCNA's function, said Zachary Mackey, an assistant professor of biochemistry in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, a Fralin Life Science Institute affiliate, and an affiliated researcher in Virginia Tech's Vector-Borne Disease Research Group.
These include using drugs to either over-express, deplete, or block the protein. The fact that PCNA could be exploited in a variety of ways to kill the parasite means that a wide range of small molecules or drugs could be used to deregulate it.
Though a few drugs exist to treat late stages of infection, they are either very expensive or have extremely powerful side effects, according to Mackey.
The next step for the researchers would be to investigate how altering the level of PCNA kills the parasite. Once they have a better understanding of how this protein regulates the life cycle of the parasite, the team can partner with chemists to synthesize small molecules that target its disruption.
The study is published in the Cell Cycle.