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Showing posts with label Diphtheria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diphtheria. Show all posts

Thursday, January 22, 2015

ROSEOLA INFANTUM-DIPHTHERIA in Children prevention and treatment

ROSEOLA INFANTUM This is a fairly common fever-producing disease in children during the first three years of life. It is worth considering when a child has a fever, is irritable and drowsy, and has no other diagnostic signs such as a rash. In roseola infantum, strangely enough, a flat, reddish rash does appear, after three or four days of fever-and at that point, the disease is ended; the fever and other symptoms disappear quickly. This contrasts with 478 / Family Preventive Care illnesses such as measles, scarlet fever, and chickenpox, in which the rash heralds the beginning of the most intense phase of illness. Roseola infantum yields without treatment. It is presumed to be a virus disease. There is no specific treatment for it. Fortunately, one attack appears to provide immunity for life.
Happily, this disease has been almost completely eradicated in the United States through immunization. Once it killed 25 percent of its victims and left incapacitated many of those who survived. Every child should be immunized early and completely against diphtheria. If there is doubt about the completeness of the immunization, the Schick test can be used. The doctor injects into the skin a small amount of the poison secreted by the diphtheria germ. If protection is complete, the test will be negative; that is, no reddened, blistered area will appear on the skin. If the test is positive, the child must be further immunized until a negative test result is obtained. Diphtheria is caused by a bacillus type of germ which usually grows on the tonsils and in the throat. It can infect nose and larynx. When the disease develops, the throat becomes sore and swollen, and a grayish membrane may cover the tissue.
This membrane may get so large that it, plus the swelling, can obstruct breathing. This is one reason why diphtheria needs immediate medical attention, usually in a specialized contagious-disease unit of a hospital. Another reason for the high fatality rate of the disease is the powerful poison given off by growing diphtheria germs. It is absorbed into the body and affects the heart and other vital organs. It may paralyze nerves that control swallowing or breathing. Fortunately, a powerful antitoxin is available. It can be injected to neutralize the poison.

However, antitoxin must be given before the child has been ill more than three days. After that, the mortality rate is high despite use of large quantities of antitoxin. Diphtheria usually provides plenty of warning that something serious is going on. There will be fever, prostration, vomiting, as well as sore throat. Sometimes, bloody mucus appears in one or both nostrils. The doctor should be notified at once if diphtheria is suspected. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Diphtheria and immunization shedule

Diphtheria once was a prime cause of death in youngsters; whooping cough, if it occurs, has a high fatality rate in infants. Be sure to follow this program carefully:


At 2, 3, and 4 months A series of 3 injections, each providing protection of age against diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis), and tetanus. A series of 3 doses for polio, In addition: Recently measles, long thought of as a kind of innocuous childhood disease, has been recognized to be a really dangerous one, capable of leading to pneumonia and many other possible complications, including nervous system disorders. In the past children died from such complications, but they were attributed to other causes. 

Happily, now an effective vaccine is available to prevent measles and its complications.

Every child should receive this protection, with a first dose at nine months of age, followed at intervals by other doses. Vaccination against smallpox should be repeated every five to seven years until there have been three successful vaccinations, and after that, whenever there is risk of exposure to smallpox. 

We strongly urge adults who have not yet had the aforementioned inoculations to have them as soon as possible. While inoculation against typhoid fever is not essential under all circumstances, why not have it done to be safe? Other diseases against which adults as well as children should be inoculated under special circumstances are yellow fever, tularemia, and tick (Rocky Mountain spotted fever). 

Because of the effective- ness of medicines in curing spotted fever, some physicians may not consider immunization for it essential, but we think it worthwhile if you live in or visit a locality where the disease is prevalent.