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Showing posts with label Dry skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dry skin. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Acne Skin RosaCea allergies

Although somewhat similar in name to common acne, acne rosacea bears no resemblance to it in appearance or mechanism. Popularly, it is often termed "whiskey nose," which could hardly be more erroneous. Rosacea occurs in people who have never touched alcohol. It involves excessive flushing of the blood vessels of nose and cheeks. A nervous reflex may be a factor in such excessive flushing, and drinking alcohol may encourage the reflex, but the alcohol is not essential. With long-continued abnormal flushing, the blood vessels become more apparent, and nose size may increase. Even the worst case of acne rosacea can be cured. And, in mild or early stages, the problem often can be controlled by simple measures: frequent application of cold water, witch hazel, or ice to help contract the blood vessels. Pat or rub on gently; do not massage. It is also often helpful to minimize intake of alcohol and of hot and spicy foods.

SKIN ALLERGIES AND SENSITIVITIES The skin, if a tough organ, is also a sensitive one. It can mirror emotions; it can also mirror internal allergic states. People have long been familiar with one form of allergy manifested in the skin-hives. In hives, superficial areas filled with a watery fluid appear and disappear on the skin, often itching quite severely. Hives may pop up after a particular food is eaten. Nettle rash, drug rash, and urticaria are other names for similar conditions. Itching from allergic reactions can be relieved by application of calamine lotion available in any drugstore or by bathing in water containing a cupful of bicarbonate of soda per bathtub of water.

Of course, the best thing to do, when possible, is to identify and avoid the substance that produces the reaction. Sometimes, this is not difficult. Many people have been able to determine for themselves that they get hives or "break out" after eating strawberries, for example, or after using a perfumed soap, wearing certain types of fabric, or taking a certain medication. It is certainly not difficult to discover that one is allergic to poison ivy or poison oak. There are instances, however, when it requires the detective skill of a specially trained physician-a dermatologist or allergist-to determine whether, in fact, a condition is really due to allergy and, if so, what the culprit substance or substances maybe. 

Friday, December 26, 2014

offensive body odor- Dry skin- Chafing- prickly heat- frost bite - oily skin - how to protect the skin from these dieseases and conditions?

Offensive body odor

Offensive body odor (bromhidrosis) is rare. It can often be overcome by bathing and use of a deodorant or antiperspirant under the arms. No special soap is needed. Men may prefer to wash under the arms with soap, follow with an application of rubbing alcohol which, upon drying, can be covered with an absorbent powder such as an ordinary baby talcum preparation. 

DRY SKIN. An insufficient flow from the sebaceous glands causes dry skin. 

This is not uncommon in middle and older age, and tends to en- courage wrinkling. If your skin is dry, avoid frequent washing with soap and water; instead, use a cleansing cream or oil, or a soap substitute. At bedtime, apply an emollient cream which usually contains lanolin or cholesterol (which is derived from lanolin) blended with vegetable oils and fats. Do not use plain lanolin. Olive oil or a commercial product such as Nivea cream is satisfactory. Apply more frequently if necessary. Dry skin often tends to chap during cold weather or in very dry air. If chapping occurs, treat as just indicated for dry skin. A lotion or hand cream may be used for chapped hands.

This is the result of friction, usually from clothing or the The Skin, Hair, and Nails / 171 rubbing together of body surfaces such as the thighs, which may be damp from perspiration. By keeping the areas dry and by using a good plain talcum powder, you can usually clear up the irritation.


 Common in infants, this is due to overheating of the skin. Keep the skin as cool as possible and use a light powder rather than a heavy one which will block perspiration and accentuate the condition.


The result of severe cold, frostbite usually affects nose, ears, fingers, or toes. Warm the parts gradually. Do not rub on snow or massage a frostbitten area, since this may damage the skin. For severe frostbite, a physician should be seen as soon as possible so effective treatment may be started and gangrene prevented.

OILY SKIN, Sometimes more distressing than dry skin, oily skin often can be corrected by use of plenty of soap and water, avoidance of creams and greasy lotions. Go easy, too, on heavy powder or pancake makeup, always washing it off thoroughly at night. The main problem faced by many people with oily skin is acne.