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Showing posts with label Endocrine surgery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Endocrine surgery. Show all posts

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Cancer prevention - ENDOCRINE GLAND SURGERY- symptoms signs - treatment


 The growth of some cancers is influenced by certain of the endocrine glands. For example, in the spread of prostate cancer, hormones of the testicles play a role. It has been found that the painful metastases of prostate cancer to bone can be relieved for long periods by removal of the testicles. This is not as drastic as it sounds, since prostate cancer patients have reached an age when the eunuchizing effects of testicle removal will be minimal.

When breast cancer gets out of control and spreads to bones and other parts of the body, an endocrine gland operation may help to extend life for months and even years. The operation may be on the ovaries, adrenal glands, or pituitary gland in the brain. The age of the patient, the duration of the cancer, and the location of the metastases will be considered before the decision as to which operation to use is made. 

Tertiary Prevention Perhaps not too far distant is the day when organ transplantation be- comes fully practical. Then cancers that are destroying such vital organs as the liver and the pancreas may be removed entirely, and the missing organ will be replaced by a transplant from a cadaver. Cancer Phobia Cancer is such a dreaded disease that, understandably, many people have an irrational fear of it. 

The realistic fear that everyone has of this disease should be allayed by the sensible, scientific approach to prevention presented in this book. If strong fear of cancer persists, the phobia should be discussed with your doctor.

He can help you overcome it. If not, then he may wish you to have a talk with a psychotherapist.