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Showing posts with label Exercises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exercises. Show all posts

Sunday, February 1, 2015

LOW BACK PAIN Treatement- exercises, preventive measures medications

Some physicians believe that almost every American over the age of 40 experiences some degree of pain in the lower back. The lower part of the spinal column does not have the support of the rib cage as does the upper part. The spine is made up of vertebrae. Between the bodies of the vertebral bones are disks which act as shock absorbers. Ligaments bind the bones together. And, Acute Low Back Pain This may be produced by a fall, blow, lifting a heavy weight, pushing a car, shoveling snow, etc., or there may appear to be no cause.

The pain is usually severe and there is difficulty in walking and standing. Most acute attacks yield completely, or show decided improvement, after a few days of complete rest in bed with a very firm mattress, preferably with a bed board under it (the board should be about six inches smaller than the mat- tress so sheets can be tucked in, and so no one will bump against it). Aspirin is helpful, but the doctor may prescribe a stronger pain reliever such as Darvon, Demerol, or codeine. Many muscle-relaxant medications are advocated for relief of the muscle spasm which contributes so much to pain. It is doubtful that they live up to their claims.

Muscle spasm will be helped by warm, moist packs which should be changed frequently to maintain warmth and should not be scalding finally, muscles of the lower back and of the abdomen as well are designed to give the spinal column support. Young people who are vigorous in sports and physical activities rarely are troubled by backache unless there is a direct injury.

It is usually the person who gradually has lost physical fitness, whose supporting muscles have weakened, who has put on excesspoundage, and who has developed poor posture, who is a candidate for low back pain. Many persons erroneously ascribe backache to "kidney trouble" and waste money on medicines to "flush" the kidneys. Similarly, the uterus has been blamed by many women for their backache. Only rarely is a anal positioned womb the cause. Hot, since excessive heat can include muscle spasm.

A bath in comfortably warm water is helpful if there is no problem about getting into and out of the bath. A soothing way to apply warmth to the back is to have the patient sit on a stool or waterproof chair set in the bathtub; place a large towel over the shoulders and upper back; and have the shower trickle comfortably warm water onto the towel and down to the painful area in the low back. When done for 15 to 20 minutes at a time several times a day, this can be very helpful.

 If an attack of low back pain is so severe that there is inability to sleep, or if there is urgency about shortening the attack, then a short stay in a hospital may be helpful. In the hospital, strong pain relievers can be given by injection; this helps not only to reduce suffering but to stop muscle spasm

Friday, January 9, 2015

How to handle tension and treatment for it?

 Go on to one or more of the following exercises, working slowly, smoothly, without jerking. Start by doing them for just a few minutes a day; then work up to perhaps as long as half an hour. Seated comfortably, raise your arms slowly overhead-and let them drop suddenly. Do the same with the legs. After each drop, pause several seconds to appreciate the relaxed effect. Breathe deeply, exhale slowly. Lie on your back on the floor. 

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. Tighten all muscles in your body. Then let go. Breathe deeply, exhale slowly. Still on the floor, shrug your shoulders up to your ears-and then let them fall back. Turn your head far to the left, then to the front, and relax. Repeat to the right. Breathe deeply and exhale after each movement.

Lying on your abdomen, rest your head on your folded arms. Tighten buttock muscles, then let go. Repeat several times. If you find these exercises helpful, you may wish to consult two books written by Dr. Edmund Jacobson: Anxiety and Tension Control," which is primarily addressed to physicians, and You Must Relax,t primarily written for lay people. Many other physicians today believe that the key to relaxing tension is muscle control. 

With every type of nervous stress, they note, there is muscular expression-sometimes as obvious as drumming with the fingers, sometimes as subtle as a mere flick of the eyes. If you can develop muscular control, you can help prevent buildup of tension. For that you will need to recognize delicate sensations most people are unaware of, distinguishing the slightly different feeling of a muscle performing useful work and a muscle tensed uselessly. Then it is necessary to control the unused muscles, turning them off.

The objective is differential relaxation in which muscles in constructive use stay in use while others are relaxed fully. As an example of how to go about this, close your eyes and silently repeat to yourself the names of three states or Presidents of the United States. Though you are not speaking, notice the small, almost imperceptible tentative movements that take place in your tongue, lips, jaw, cheeks, and throat. Then see if you can relax these muscles completely. o. Jacobson, Edmund, Anxiety and Tension Control. 

Monday, December 8, 2014



For some years, the virtues of isometrics have been trumpeted, often in advertising which promises an isometric system that "will put you in top shape in a minute a day-and no sweat." Isometrics involve muscular contractions without movement. The sys- tem is based on the principle that when a muscle is required to work beyond its usual intensity, it will grow. In isometrics, one set of muscles may be pitted against another or against an immovable object such as a doorway or floor. 

Put your palms together and push your hands against each other as hard as you can, without moving either hand. Or push against a closed door which does not move. These are isometrics. On the other hand, isotonic involve movement. Running, lifting, push-ups, sit-ups, virtually all sports are isotonic. Isometric exercises can be useful-for example, in correcting specific deficiencies such as building arm muscles or putting back into condition a leg that has been in a cast.

They may be useful, too, as a supplement to isotonic for further development of specific major muscles and muscle areas. But it is important to realize that your objective in exercising is not simply to build muscular strength. Strength is the ability to work against a resistance. Additionally, you need muscular endurance, the ability of a muscle to respond repetitively for a relatively long period of time; flexibility or muscular elasticity so you can use the muscle effectively throughout its whole range of motion; and cardiovascular-pulmonary efficiency-the adaptive response of heart, blood vessels; and lungs to work and exercise. 

Isometrics can help develop strength. But for the other needs, you have to get down on the floor and do push-ups and sit-ups and other isotonic exercise; you have to walk and jog or swim; you have to work the muscles through their whole range and work them repeatedly; and you have to sweat at the job and give the heart and blood vessels and lungs a workout. There is no shortcut. 

Excercises and blood circulation, Physical activity Vs Excercises

The higher oxygen content of the blood will aid muscle nutrition. As circulation improves in both quality and quantity throughout the body, the total effect is admirable: Muscles are strengthened; so is the whole supporting system. It appears, too, that there may be a double defect on the heart itself: It becomes more efficient in its pumping not only during activity but at other times as well, thus reducing the strain on it at all times; in addition, it appears that activity which builds endurance also stimulates the development of new and extra blood vessel pathways to feed the heart muscle. 

Thus, if there should be trouble in the future, if a coronary artery should become choked by atherosclerosis and a heart attack occurs, that attack is likely to be less severe because of the extra circulation available. Because of the extra circulation, much less damage to the heart muscle is likely to occur, and chances of survival are greatly increased. The best activities for exercising the heart and lungs and for building endurance are those that are continuous in nature-brisk walking, jogging, swimming, for example. The effectiveness of walking is not fully appreciated by most people. It brings many muscles into play.

 It is a continuous activity. It lends itself to putting a healthy progressive load on the body. Start with a relatively easy mile walk. Gradually lengthen the walk and increase the pace. Keep doing this until, for example, you are up to a three-mile walk as fast as you can get your legs to carry you, and you are getting great benefits every step of the way. Jogging, too, has its merits, as a simple and practical aid in developing both muscular strength and endurance. It is inexpensive, requires no special skill, can be done outdoors and, in inclement weather, indoors.

Start with a jog that is only a little faster than a brisk walk. Jog until you begin to puff. Then walk. Then jog again. Your body should be upright, not bent forward. Keep the buttocks in, not protruding; the back straight, not arched; bend the elbows; breathe through nose and mouth. The objective is to start at a comfortable level and gradually exert you more and more. At first, you may jog for 50 yards, walk for 50 yards keep alternating, and cover about a mile. As you keep working till, you will find you can increase the distance, jog more and walk less.

Even perhaps interspersing some sprints, running as fast as for 50 yards, and then dropping back to a jog or walk. Over a period !11(1l1ths, you may progress until you can cover as much as three miles at a good pace, walking very little of the time. Be sure you obtain your doctor's approval before you start jogging as an exercise. 

Who need excercises? - How muscle activity helps?


The chances are that, like most of us, you are getting too little daily exercise. If you need specific clues to the fact that you can benefit from more activity, here are some: heart pounding or hard breathing after relatively slight exertion; a long time required for your heartbeat to return to normal after heavy exertion (you can measure the heart rate by the wrist pulse); stiffening of legs and thighs after climbing stairs; aching muscles after such activities as gardening or furniture moving; waking up from sleep as tired as before; frequent restlessness. 

Your physician, as part of his preventive medicine program for you, will be glad to determine with you, on the basis of your specific present condition, daily activities, and other personal factors, whether you need more exercise, how much time you need to devote to it, what kinds of activities would be best suited for you.


Undoubtedly you will benefit from a soundly planned regular exercise schedule, even if it occupies no more than just a few minutes a day- and more on this shortly. Along with such a schedule, you can, and should, find other opportunities for increasing your activity. For one thing, it is possible to find opportunities for physical recreation that can supplement scheduled exercises and provide enjoyment. The list is almost endless: fishing trips, family outings, evenings of dancing, bowling in an office or neighborhood league, walking, etc. 

For another thing, there are opportunities for stepping up daily activities-and little bits of action add up in their good effects. It's a matter of attitude, of recognizing that it is good to use the body As much as possible and of seeking chances to do so.

Walk up a flight Physical Activity in 85 or more of stairs instead of relying entirely upon the elevator; walk part III much or sometimes all the way to the market, to the office. Interrupt sedentary work with little bursts of activity, even if no more than getting lip out of the chair and bending, stretching, moving about, flexing the  squatting, imitating a few golf swings. 


Excercise, Activities and health problems

There is increasing evidence that exercise is of value in preventing many key diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular dis- orders which affect circulation in the extremities. It is good for most ACTIVITY AND THE HEART lung diseases; an aid in the prevention of backaches and foot problems; a help too in the prevention of hernias; and a means of maintaining good skin tone. . For many years, vigorous physical activity was considered a hazard for the healthy heart, let alone the diseased. Today, there is mounting evidence that regular activity not only is essential for optimal maintenance of heart health but also, with certain precautions, can be of great value in heart patients formerly doomed to inactive existence.

In one of the pioneering studies concerned with exercise and the heart, British investigators found that the frequency of coronary heart disease in London bus conductors was about 30 percent lower than in the less active bus drivers. Since then, an inverse relationship between physical activity and coronary heart disease-the more of the former, the less of the latter-has been found by many other investigators in this country and elsewhere in the world. In a study carried out by Harvard scientists, 700 Bostonians of Irish descent were compared with their brothers who stayed in Ireland.

Coronary heart disease deaths in the Boston group (ages 30 to 60) were two times those in the Ireland group. The men in Ireland ate more eggs, more butter, and more of other saturated fats-yet had lower serum cholesterol levels. They consumed 400 calories more per day on the average than their Boston counterparts but weighed 10 percent less. They were getting more exercise and their lower cholesterol levels showed that physical activity does more than just burn off calories. Somewhat to their amazement, American scientists who recently made a special trip to study Masai tribesmen in Africa found that these people, despite a diet containing enough cholesterol to send the ordinary worried American fleeing in panic from the dinner table, never seem to get heart trouble.

 They live almost exclusively on meat and on milk with a butter- fat content that soars to 6.5 percent. Yet they have lower blood cholesterol levels on the average than do Americans. It is possible that it is exercise which protects Masai hearts, keeping cholesterol levels in their blood low despite the high dietary intake. The Masai are known to walk as much as 50 to 60 miles a day-and to do it without strain. In a study covering 120,000 American railroad employees, the heart attack incidence among sedentary office workers was found to be almost twice that of men working in the yards. Investigators have noted that activity trains the heart to beat slowly, to function more economically, to require less oxygen for a given amount  

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

CALORIE COUNT - Weight Control - What Food to take? How ?Much Food to take?

Weight Control  


How do you determine the proper calorie level per day for you? Your physician can help, taking into account your present weight, desired weight, state of health, and normal activities. He may suggest perhaps as few as 1,200 calories per day if you are an adult woman, 1,500 to 1,800 if you are an adult man. These levels are about half those of non-dieters. 

Within these limits, you can diet reasonably happily on a wide variety of foods and obtain all essential nutrients. Or your physician may suggest a reduction of intake level by as little as 300 or 400 calories. It is usually not considered wise to depend upon a reduction of less than 300 or 400, since one or two miscalculations or indulgences may mean no weight loss at all.

Remember that the objective is permanent weight loss, not a flashy quick cut down, promptly followed by a return of the excess pounds. So what if it takes several months or even a year to reach your ideal weight -as long as you will be using a tolerable diet, one you can sustain, retraining you’re eating habits so you can enjoy the new habits and the desired weight level for the rest of your life. 

Always remember that only one-half pound of weight loss per week means 26 pounds for the year, and 1 pound a week means over 50 pounds lost. In setting up your diet, your physician most likely will move in the direction of a little of everything, to assure balance and variety.

He will make certain you get something from each of the four basic food groups (see page 49). He will be thinking in terms not merely of reducing but of general health, of reducing without risk of malnutrition or risk of fomenting heart disease. 

As an example, sample menus for 1,200 calories a day diet might go like this: 

Breakfast: 1/2 small grapefruit; 1 poached egg; 1 slice of toast; 1 small pat of butter or margarine; coffee or tea. 

Lunch: A 3-ounce cooked serving of lean meat, poultry, or fish; 1 serving of vegetable; 1 serving of fruit; 1 slice of bread; 1 small pat of butter or margarine; 1 glass of skim milk. 

Dinner: A large broiled beef patty; 1/2 cup of asparagus; 1/2 to 1 cup of tossed green salad with vinegar dressing; 1 slice of bread; 1 small pat of butter or margarine; 1/2 cup of pineapple; 1 glass of skim milk. Snacks, if desired, may consist of bouillon or consommé, tomato juice, raw vegetables, coffee or tea, or food saved from meals. 

You may find it convenient to use a mini-pocketbook calorie counter available in pharmacies and food stores. 

For your general guidance, the table lists the calorie content of many commonly used foods   


As for appetite and exercise 

while it is true that a thin person in good condition may eat more after increased activity, his exercise will burn up the extra calories. But the overly fat person does not react the same way; only when he exercises to excess will he experience an appetite increase, since he has large stores of fat, and moderate exercise in his case is not likely to stimulate appetite. This difference between the response to exercise of fat and thin people is an important one.

There are many opportunities to be found throughout the day for using up calories through little extra bits of activity. You can, for ex- ample, use up 100 calories with 20 minutes of gardening, 30 minutes of ironing, or 30 minutes of playing with the children. Any time you get up from behind a desk, walk about the room, perhaps just bend and stretch for a few times, you will not be burning up great quantities of calories- but do this every hour or two, and at the end of the week you will have burned a significant number.


 Massage may tone up the skin and muscles and help the body adjust to its new, slimmer contours. Your doctor will know when to recommend massage if it would help. 


Only temporarily, since they serve merely to eliminate water, which is almost immediately regained. Not only do these methods achieve no permanent results of value but they may put a strain on heart and circulation. Sauna baths, recently fashionable, expose the body to high temperatures to bring about violent sweating. This is a shock to the body, sometimes doubling the pulse rate, as much of a shock as sudden and violent exercise. 

To be sure, saunas have long been popular in Finland, but the Finns use saunas over a lifetime rather than starting suddenly in flabby middle age, and they dash water on heated stones, producing a more humid and more tolerable (and possibly safer for the lungs) type of heat than electrically heated American saunas. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Heart problems and Sugar intake - Bodily reactions


Can consumption of large amounts of sugar be as much of a factor in coronary heart disease as cholesterol? So British investigators led by Dr. John Yudkin of the University of London maintain. They note that over the past 200 years in Great Britain sugar consumption has gone up almost 25-fold, from an average of 5 pounds per person in 1760 to 25 in 1860 and to 120 pounds in 1960. 

A sizable increase in sugar consumption in the United States also has been noted by American investigators. The British workers note that increasing affluence anywhere is accompanied by increased incidence of heart attacks and by diet changes which include greater consumption not only of fat but of sugar.

They point to studies showing that recent Yemeni immigrants to Israel have little coronary thrombosis but those who have been in Israel 20 years or more become prone to the disease-s-and the major change in their diet is increased sugar consumption. 

Among their own studies, Yudkin and his co-workers report one covering three groups of men, aged 45 to 66. Twenty had recently suffered first heart attacks, 25 had hardening of leg arteries, and 25 others had no health problems. The sugar intake of the first two groups customarily had been roughly twice that of the healthy group. 

Not all doctors agree with Dr. Yudkin. Much work remains to be done to identify the mechanism by which sugar in excess may produce artery disease. And a big question to be answered is whether reduction of sugar intake will reduce risk of artery disease. Still, even the possibility that sugar may be involved in this major disease adds another reason why moderation in its use appears warranted. Ordinary refined sugar is what nutritionists call an "empty calorie" substance. 

It provides energy-but no protein, no vitamins, no minerals. It can add to body weight but does not help the body repair itself. Sugar, as contrasted, say, with cereal, puts the body at a nutritional dis- advantage. 

Minerals Causes on our health

Investigations on Minerasls

Currently, scientists are investigating the influence on human health of many other trace elements, including chromium, manganese, cobalt, cadmium, copper, selenium, molybdenum, vanadium, nickel, and fluorine. Some preliminary evidence suggests that a deficiency of chromium may play a part in diabetes and, on the other hand, an excess of cadmium may adversely affect blood pressure. 

Even arsenic may be needed by the human body in these trace amounts. Trace materials occur in water and in soils, find their way into foods, and may be present in relatively large amounts in some foods, relatively small amounts in others.

Existing knowledge is still inadequate; there is enough to suggest the importance of trace materials but far from enough yet to provide a reliable guide to how much of them the body needs, how much of them can be dangerous, and their concentrations in various foods. Earlier, the discovery of the role of vitamins in human health under- scored the need for a balanced diet that would provide the vitamins. Now the work with trace materials underscores the need even more. 

10 ways to check your Medication is Proper or Not.

If a patient is receiving hydrocortisone and then is given either an antihistamine or a barbiturate, the hydrocortisone effect is lessened. If a patient is taking an antihistamine for an allergy and uses alcohol, the result may be central nervous system depression. If a patient is using alcohol and takes a barbiturate, there is a marked increase in the effect of the barbiturate, which has been responsible for many deaths. An understanding of the complex details of drug interaction is some- thing for a doctor to be aware of and make use of, not for a patient to worry about. And the point of mentioning the subject here is simply this:

If you are already taking one or more drugs for a condition, when you see a physician about a new condition let him know what you are taking. If you are taking drugs under a physician's direction, get his advice even on such a seemingly simple matter as whether it will be all right, if you develop a headache or a cold, to take aspirin or other agents to make yourself more comfortable.


Although most sick people benefit from their contact with the treasure chest of modern medications, the experience is unhappy for too many. Much of the unhappiness could be avoided by common sense procedures based on awareness of the realities of diseases and medications. The rules are simple and few:

1.       Take medications on your own only for the most minor conditions, and seek medical advice if there is no clear improvement within a day or two.

2.        A Special Word about Medicine Taking If you are using a medication prescribed by a physician, do not take any medications on your own for some other problem unless you have been informed they will cause no trouble.

3. When you seek medical help for a problem, leave it up to the physician to determine whether you really need medication or whether it may be wiser, in a particular situation, to let the body use its defenses to overcome the problem-for the body often can do exactly that. Don't be in a rush to take something, to pressure the physician to give you some- thing. Make it clear to him that you understand that sometimes no medicine is the best medicine.

 4. Follow the physician's instructions to the letter when he gives you a prescription. Get it filled immediately. Take exactly as directed-in the prescribed dosage, for the prescribed length of time.

5. If you notice any untoward reactions while taking a medication, let your physician know immediately. A side reaction may not be serious -or it may be. If it's the latter, prompt measures can ameliorate it.

6. Do not save leftover drugs.

7. Ask your physician to instruct the druggist to label the bottle or other container of any medication prescribed with the name of the medication. You will find that more and more doctors today believe strongly in this. It can be a safety measure, helping you to avoid mistakes in taking medication.
8. And if trouble should arise during the course of taking the medication. If there should be an accidental overdose, if a child should happen to get hold of the medication and use it, the immediate identification of the compound may well help to prevent fatality.

Moreover, your knowledge of what you are taking can come in handy if you have to consult another physician while your own is away.

9. Safeguard medication. Never leave any, including aspirin, standing around on a dresser or a table. Return it to the medicine cabinet immediately after use. A medicine cabinet should be kept closed and locked. It's a good idea, especially in any household with children, to have a medicine cabinet equipped with a combination padlock, or a drug safe or chest with combination lock. Your druggist can advise you about obtaining one at reasonable cost.

10. Teach your children to properly respect medications. Do not tell a child that medicine is like "candy" because it tastes good. Instead, even at a very early age, teach him that medicine is to help overcome illness, and that it doesn't matter whether he likes it or not, it is something he must have when sick to make him well, and never at any other time. 

How drugs Interacts with our body mechanism? And Outdated Medicines


 If your physician has prescribed a drug for you and instructs you to discontinue its use before the supply is all gone don't save what is left over for another time. Discard it. It may seem like a waste to throw away expensive medication; actually, it is an important safety precaution. Some drugs lose potency with time; some gain potency. Either way, their use after a lapse of time can be dangerous.

 Moreover, it has become clear that some drugs, in the process of aging, not only change in potency; they undergo marked chemical changes that can make them dangerous. Not long ago, for example, physicians at three New York hospitals reported on several patients who had suddenly experienced nausea and vomiting and then developed symptoms like those of diabetes. The trouble in each case was traced to chemical deterioration of an antibiotic, a tetracycline, taken long after it should have been thrown away.


when one medication is being used, the addition of another sometimes can be helpful but sometimes can be harmful. When two agents used in concert do not harmonize, the interaction or interference can cause trouble. Moreover, even effects on dosage requirements must be considered when two or more medicines are being used. Recently, for example, a patient who had had a heart attack and recovered from it was released from the hospital. 

Ten days later, an alarming condition developed. While in the hospital the patient had received an anticoagulant medication as part of treatment-a compound aimed at preventing clotting. At home, he continued as directed to take the same compound in the same dosage. But now the drug was thinning.

 The blood too much

 Something had changed. It had indeed: in the hospital, the patient had been given phenobarbital upon retiring. The sedative, in the course of its activity in the body, had stimulated certain liver chemicals which broke down the anticoagulant faster. At home, without the phenobarbital, the anticoagulant activity continued longer and was more potent. In effect, without the sedative, the patient was getting an overdose of.

The anti-coagulant

The matter, once understood, was quickly adjusted. But it illustrates what is coming to be virtually a new science in medicine, concerned with understanding and taking into account inter- actions between medicines. This, of course, is not the place to go into complex technical details. 

But as indications of how important interaction can be, here are some recent findings: When a patient is taking aspirin, addition of an anticoagulant drug may lead to bleeding. If a patient is receiving a medication such as amitriptyline for mental depression and is also given guanethidine for high blood pressure, the antihypertensive activity of the latter is lost. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Penicillin overdose side effects! How to avoid it?

A Special Word about Medicine Taking of many people that if a little is good, more is better. With potent agents, excessive dosage can produce real trouble. Similarly, under dosage can cause problems. Inadequate antibiotic dos- age, for example, carries its own risk. One common example is the patient with a "strep" throat who takes penicillin, improves, stops treatment, then gets the sore throat back again.

Once more, he takes some penicillin but not the full prescribed amount. Again the sore throat dis- appears only to recur after a short time. And so a disease that can be eradicated by continued administration of penicillin for eight to ten days is converted into one that drags on with repeated remissions and relapses. Physicians have, in fact, long suspected that many failures of anti- biotic treatment stem simply from failure of patients to keep taking medication as prescribed. A recent study uncovered disturbing evidence that many parents may be risking their children's health by failing to make certain they take their medication as long as necessary.

Actually, in acute "strep" infections, penicillin treatment for 10 days is considered essential to prevent rheumatic fever. Yet in a follow-up of 59 children for whom a 10-day course of penicillin had been prescribed, investigators found that 56 percent of the youngsters had stopped taking the drug by the third day, 71 percent by the sixth day, and 82 percent by the ninth day. When a doctor prescribes medication, the first thing to do is to get the prescription filled immediately. The value may be lessened, or even lost completely, if you delay.

Then follow directions of the doctor to the letter. If you are not certain you understand them, ask him for clarification-even for instructions in writing as to exactly what you are to do. Take all the medicine pre- scribed, not some amount you arbitrarily settle on. Don't decide, if you begin to feel better, that you can stop or reduce dosage. Sometimes, illnesses require several prescriptions. Very much worth noting here is an old principle taught to nurses: read every label three times. You can use that principle to advantage at home. 

How to manage Infections, overdoses, side effects in modern medicine

Friendly bacteria keep under control harmful organisms that also are natives of the digestive tract. When friendly bacteria are killed off in large numbers, there is less competition for the harmful residents and they have a chance to multiply. The result may be super infection-a new and different infection that develops as a result of another's being treated. Again, the super infection is often mild and disappears once antibiotic treatment stops. 

But super infection sometimes can be severe.

What it comes down to is this: use of potent modern medications, not only antibiotics but many others, involves a calculated risk and alertness. Ideally, the physician uses them after careful consideration and upon arriving at the decision that the good to be gained outweighs any risks along the way-and uses them with caution, keeping alert to the earliest indications of any new trouble from the drugs which he may be able to overcome by change of dosage, switch of medication, addition of other medication, or when necessary discontinuance of treatment.

One of the major problems, though, has been the insistence of many patients upon willy-nilly prescription of medication. They may demand penicillin, for example, for a cold or any fever. They have the feeling that a visit to the doctor is not complete unless the doctor "gives" them something. Too often, this has put physicians on the spot; and to please patients, some have prescribed medication against their better judgment.

So far as your own health is concerned, you can do much to preserve it not just by seeking timely medical advice but by taking it-by avoiding insistence upon medications, by indicating to your physician that you are aware of the values and also limitations of medications, the need to use them wisely not indiscriminately, to use them when they are required and not otherwise.


A man who took double the prescribed dose of an anticoagulant-a drug that, in effect, acts to thin the blood to prevent clot formation-found himself in the hospital a few days later with severe nosebleedsand vomiting of blood.

 A woman with bronchial asthma was admitted to the hospital with heart palpitations after she had used, contrary to instructions, an isoprenaline (isoproterenol) spray repeatedly for several hours. Another patient, a 29-year-old man, who had decided to take 50 percent' more than his prescribed dose of a cortisone like drug, came- to the hospital with changed personality, considerable weight gain from fluid retention, and other effects. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Human body reactions to Medicines and Foods Vs Medicines


It may seem unbelievable but there are more than 250 diseases that can be caused by the very medicines designed to treat and cure illness. You may well ask, "Why is this possible?" The reasons are not difficult to understand. Over the past twenty-five years or so, many hundreds of new com- pounds have been developed for treating and preventing disease. Many are powerful and complicated substances.

Their very effectiveness depends upon their great potency and complexity. In some instances, trouble has come unexpectedly because a powerful A Special Word about medicine taking new agents was not tested fully under every conceivable circumstance. Thus, for example, thalidomide seemed to be an excellent and harmless tranquilizing agent in most people, but when it was used by pregnant women it had terrible effects on their unborn children. Another reason for drug-induced illness is that human beings do have tendencies to develop allergic or sensitivity responses. These vary considerably, just as they do for foods. One person may eat eggs until the hens scream for mercy-and enjoy them with impunity; another person, allergic to them, cannot eat one without developing some upset.

And so with other foods

Because of sensitivity problems, a medicine that is highly beneficial for 95 percent of the population may cause trouble, even potentially serious trouble, for the remaining 5 percent. A good example is penicillin, clearly a lifesaving drug. It has, indeed, probably saved well over a million lives since its discovery. But it also has caused severe sensitivity re- actions in scores of thousands of people and has taken the lives of thousands.

As you may have noticed, physicians today inquire carefully about possible previous sensitivity reactions to penicillin before administering or prescribing it. Just as some people, after repeated exposure, become allergic to rag- weed pollen or to poison ivy, so some, after being helped once or even several times by an antibiotic, may develop allergic reactions to the com- pound. Usually the problem is mild-skin rash, hives, or slight fever- and disappears once the drug is stopped. Occasionally, however, there are anaphylactic, or shock like, reactions which are life-threatening, and these can be overcome only if heroic measures-adrenaline and other injections-are used in time.

Still considered the single most valuable antibiotic,penicillin is a major allergy producer because it has been so widely used. It is estimated that 10 percent of Americans have become sensitized to the drug. Still another reason for undesirable reactions is that no drug is 100 percent specific-hitting the bull's-eye, so to speak. In the course of countering the problem for which it is being used, it may produce other effects, and these have to be reckoned with. Consider, for example, the gastrointestinal upsets-cramps, diarrhea, sore mouth, rectal itch-which may occur after use of many antibiotics.

They can come about because of an upset in the natural germbalance in the body. Many harmless bacteria are always present in the gastrointestinal tract. Some, in fact, are essential to digestion; some manufacture vitamins. When a potent antibiotic is introduced to fight infection, it may also decimate this normal bacterial population. Moreover, these friendly bacteria serve another purpose in the body.

Modern Medicines is One of Major Successes, But it Also Includes Disasters


THE HISTORY of modern medicines is one of major successes, but it also includes disasters. Tremendous benefits have followed the discovery of insulin for diabetes, agents for controlling high blood pressure, antibiotics and other anti-bacterial that kill or impede the growth of bacteria, cortisone and other steroid compounds that combat inflammation, tranquilizers and antidepressants for nervous and mentaldisorders, and drugs that slow the wild growth of some cancer cells. But there have been tragedies traceable to indiscriminate use and abuse of such powerful agents and of others. For one thing, no medication yet developed is fool proof-universally useful for even the condition for which it was developed, free of undesirable effects.

Virtually every drug, just as virtually every food, may produce unpleasant effects for at least a few individuals, and so it must be used with care. We hope in this chapter to provide a useful guide to medicine taking, one that will be helpful to you both in more effective treatment of any health problems that arise and also in preventing many problems. 


A recent survey of a small but typical group of households carried out by a major university research institute found that the number of medications on hand varied from 3 to 88, with a mean of 30. Of the 2,539 medications observed, only 445 were prescription drugs. Each month in the United States, 750 out of every 1,000 adults 16 years of age and over experience a cold, headache, or other illness or  injury for which only 250 will consult a physician.

Thus, people control their own care in terms of whether and when to seek medical aid and when to prescribe for themselves. Virtually everyone on occasion does his own prescribing-and that can be a practical matter. Certainly every minor ache or pain does not require that a doctor be called. Nobody wishes to become a habitual patient. The medicines-variously known as "patent," "proprietary," and "over-the-counter" or "OTC"-which you can purchase in drugstores without a doctor's prescription are generally milder and have fairly broad safety margins. 

Symptoms of Cancer - How to detect Cancer? Answer these questions

Some signs and symptoms are commonly associated with cancer. They include: Any lump or thickening in the breast or elsewhere Any sore that does not heal Any persistent change in bowel or bladder habits Persistenthoarseness or coughing Persistent indigestion or difficulty in swallowing Any change in a wart or mole Any sudden weight loss Actually, none of the foregoing constitutes proof of cancer-only that cancer is a possibility which should be investigated without delay.

No sign or symptom-either severe or mild but persistent or recurring -should be neglected, it bears repeating here, on the grounds that it may not mean anything or that the doctor may say it's "just nerves." The preventively minded physician whom you see regularly for your checkups will welcome being consulted about such signals, will not pass them off lightly as "just nerves," will check thoroughly, and, if it should be just a matter of "nerves," will help you do something about the "nerves.

In addition to regular periodic checkups by your physician and your alertness for danger signals, there is an additional line of defense, an extra safeguard, you can put to use in maintaining health. It consists of a simple inventory of your health, a checklist of statements. Taking the inventory at home will require only a few minutes once a month.

Mark your calendar now to remind you to refer to this chapter and the following statements on some convenient date each month, perhaps the first or fifteenth. If you cannot say "True" to anyone of the statements that follow, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. If you have a perfect "True" score, it is quite likely that your health is being maintained satisfactorily, and you need not see your physician again until your next scheduled examination.

1.            I have noticed no sore on skin, lips, or tongue that doesn't seem to heal.

2.            I am not aware of shortness of breath when walking on level ground or when performing any type of activity that never before made me short of breath.

3.            I am not bothered by indigestion, nausea, appetite loss, abdominal pain or cramps, or the recent sudden appearance of constipation or diarrhea.

4.            I have noticed no blood in bowel movements or urine.

 5.           I am not steadily losing or gaining weight and I am satisfied that my weight is suitable for me.

6.            I do not feel myself becoming nervous, irritable, or depressed. I have had no crying spells and no feelings of overwhelming sadness, worthlessness, mental apathy. I have no persistent feeling that any- body is against me. I do not feel a nervous breakdown coming on.

7.            I do not feel unduly fatigued after little effort, mental or physical. I have no feeling of being rundown.

8.            I have no pallor; my skin color has not changed.  

9.            I have no cough that has persisted longer than a month. I have coughed up no blood.

 10.         I have had no persistent hoarseness.

11.          My hearing remains as good as it has ever been.

12.          My eyesight, too, remains good; I have had no dimming or fogging of vision.

13.          I have no persistent headaches.

14.          I have felt no chest discomfort without obvious cause.

15.          I have had no prolonged aches in back, limbs, or joints.

 16.         There has been no swelling of my feet or ankles.

 17.         I have noticed no urinary changes.

18.          I sleep well. I have no tendency to wake up during the night and have difficulty falling asleep again.

 19.         I have no new persistent pain or any other new symptoms.

20.          I am not worried about the possibility of having a venereal disease. Special for women:

21.          I have noticed no vaginal bleeding at unexpected times.

22.          I have felt no lump in my breast, and I have not been worried about the possibility of cancer or tumor there or in any other part of my body.

23.          I am not troubled with hot flashes. Special for men:

21.          My urination has not been abnormal in any way recently-particularly in terms of difficulty in starting, stopping, dribbling, and pain.

22.          I am not ruptured and have no thoughts that I may be.

23.          I do not believe that I may have picked up some disease overseas during the war which may now be coming to the surface.

Important Note: If you cannot say "True" to one or more of the preceding statements, it does not necessarily mean that you have a serious problem. There may, indeed, be a clue to something serious-and because it is likely to be an early clue, the problem is very likely to be amenable to effective treatment. On the other hand, the problem may be mild, possibly even temporary. But let your physician make the diagnosis for you. He will almost certainly agree that it is good preventive medicine, in the best interests of your continued good health, for him to check up on the lead provided when you cannot say "True" to a statement. – 

How AUTOMATED MULTI-PHASE SCREENING helps to check diseases in health care

One of the relatively recent developments that is almost certain to bring striking changes in the practice of medicine, adding further to the emphasis on and practicality of preventive medicine, is automated multi- phase screening. The idea is to link electronic detection devices, large numbers of chemical tests, and computer science together to screen or check, at low cost, large numbers of apparently healthy people, looking for the most subtle signs of early disease and even of pre-disease states, doing far more routine testing than physicians have time for, providing them with the results of the tests, and giving them more opportunity to counsel patients and practice preventive medicine.

In a periodic checkup that may run two to three hours, a patient moves from one station to another for checks of hearing, visual acuity, respiration rate, lung capacity. An electrocardiogram is made; a measurement of pressure within the eye is quickly made for detection of glaucoma, a major cause of blindness. A chest x-ray is taken and, in the case of women, a three-dimensional breast photograph (mammography). Pulse and blood pressuremeasurements are included. The patient answers a self-administered questionnaire on health history. And blood and urine samples are taken and automatically checked for indications of infection, gout, diabetes, and other diseases and also for a variety of biochemical values that may give some indications of pre disease changes. A computer summarizes the findings and produces a printed record for the patient's personal physician to evaluate. Automated multiphase screening is moving rapidly out of the experimental phase. Much of the pioneering work in its development was done by physicians at the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan in northern California with some financial assistance from the U.S.Public Health Service

The Public Health Service has awarded funds to set up pilot programs in Milwaukee, New Orleans, Brooklyn, and Providence-some affiliated with health centers in poverty areas, others with universities, and still others with city health departments. Already, some large industries are planning automated multiphase screening facilities as part of their occupational health programs. And there are plans for forming medically directed private companies which would provide automated screening service for patients referred by physicians.

Automated screening facilities may not be available in your community yet. Ask your doctor about them. Tell him you are interested. If the facilities are not available, you will be doing a public service by encouraging your doctor to push for their establishment in the near future.


You AS the patient in preventive medicine have a role to play that goes far beyond cooperating in regular checkups. You can build and maintain your health, taking advantage of the latest knowledge in such areas as nutrition, weight control, physical activity, rest and relaxation (to be covered in later sections of this posts). You can be alert, too, between checkups for any danger signals.

How Blood Pressure Determination helps to find and Prevent diseases?

Measuring blood pressure is an even more important part of the medical check today than it was in the past. For one thing, we know now how common elevated pressure is, affecting at least 17 million Americans. For another thing, we know now that high blood pressure, or hypertension, is an important factor in stroke, heart disease, and kidney disease. And best of all, hypertension today almost invariably can be controlled. Blood pressure is simply the push of blood against the walls of the arteries. It is highest when the heart contracts and pumps blood into the arteries and this peak pressure is called systolic. It is lowest when the heart relaxes between beats, and this lower pressure is the diastolic.

To measure pressure, a basically simple, though not simply named, device, the sphygmomanometer, is used. It's an inflatable cuff attached to mercury or other type of meter. When the cuff is wrapped around the arm above the elbow and inflated, the inflation does two things: it drives the mercury column up to near the top of the gauge and it compresses an artery in the arm so no blood flows through. With his stethoscope placed on the artery, the physician listens as he gradually lets air out of the cuff. At some point, as the air is released, the pressure of blood in the artery will begin to exceed the pressure of air in the cuff, and the blood will begin to flow again in the artery.

The beginning of flow produces a thudding sound the physician can hear through the stethoscope, and at this point the mercury gauge shows what the systolic pressure is. Then, as more air is released from the cuff there comes a point when the thudding sound no longer can be heard, and at this point the mercury gauge shows the diastolic pressure. It is normal for pressure to vary somewhat from day to day, even minute to minute. It goes up with excitement, which is why in an examination a physician may wish to take your pressure several times. In some people, however, the blood pressure is nearly always higher than it should be. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Heart Attack And Other Problems - Percussion Examination

Percussion-a simple procedure to Know heart problems in which the physician lays one hand flat on the chest and raps on it with fingers of the other hand-can provide useful information about some internal organs. With it, the approximate size and shape of the heart may be established, for example. The chest is largely occupied by the lungs which, because they are filled with air, produce a hollow sound when the chest wall above them is tapped. 

Over the heart, which is filled with fluid, the sound has changes to a dull note. The physician can begin percussion at a point on the chest known to be over the lungs, moving in the direction of the heart until a dull sound tells him he has reached it. That establishes one point of the heart's position. Other points can be determined by starting the percussion else- where on the chest and moving in toward the heart again. 

Heart Attack and other Issues in Heart are well explained in the following posts, Please follow all the posts to know about the heart and the problems arising. In this modern days pollution and Global Warming create many issues and the human body cannot tolerate the modern day diseases. Though EBOLA is not a heart related virus directly, We could avoid EBOLA if we were followed some principles and hygienic procedures in Our life. In the same way we can avoid heart issues by adopting certain methods and exercises to avoid the issues in Heart. 

Please follow your physician's instructions in the matters and any suggestion given given here is subject to verify your physician.