Many tense, anxious people today blame their problems on the
so-called modern rat race. They argue that they are caught up in that rat race,
Coping Effectively / 325 that the demands upon them are excessive, that they
simply have to work too hard.
Many investigators believe-and we agree with
them-that overwork is rarely the reason for emotional problems. More often the
problem lies, as one physician experienced in industrial medicine puts it, with
creating a rat race of one's own. Actually, half a century ago, people worked
longer hours than now. But they also lived a different kind of life.
Today, too
many people only ride; they move about little on their own two feet. With food
and drink readily available, they consume to excess. With TV readily at hand, they
take their leisure passively and get little of the stimulation, both mental and
physical, that active games and good conversation can provide. If you find
yourself tense, you may do well to consider your whole living pattern as well
as job situation.
Everybody needs to get intimately acquainted with the most
important person in the world-himself. He needs to know, clearly, how he reacts
to various foods, to smoking, to drinking; he needs to know what actually his
own individual requirements for exercise and relaxation are. In one survey on
tension among business executives, it was found that those who complained of
excessive tension-13 percent of the total number-shared a long list of
undesirable health habits.
The tense men ate breakfast on the fly, in less than 5
minutes; bolted their lunch (15 minutes); hurried through dinner (under 30
minutes). They got no form of regular exercise; tended to have few civic,
church or other extracurricular activities and interests; many had no hobby at
all. Many got six or less hours sleep a night; few had weekends free for themselves and their families; and any vacations taken were much below average in
Most were heavy smokers; many drank excessively; most used sedatives to
induce sleep and tranquilizers to quiet their nerves. Often, an overly tense
person, if he can make an adjustment in his living habits on his own or with
the advice and help of his physician, may need to do no more.