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Showing posts with label can be dangerous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label can be dangerous. Show all posts

Friday, January 23, 2015

Insect bites can be dangerous-preventive measures

We are not alarmists and have no wish to frighten people away from enjoying outdoor life. However, insect bites can be dangerous. Fortunately, there are preventive measures. Those who know they are sensitive to bees, etc., should carry cards indicating so, and should also be trained by their family doctor or an allergist in the use of a special kit available for emergencies.

 Also, there is effective desensitization treatment for those allergic to bee, wasp, and other stings. It makes good sense for anyone who is allergic in any way and who receives a bite by a bee, wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket to discuss with his doctor the advisability of carrying an emergency kit on the assumption that since he is allergic to other things, he might become so to these insects from a second sting

 In terms of general sanitation and comfort as well as for protection against bites, foods should be covered when camping or cooking outdoors, and patios and other areas should be treated with insect repellent. Sensitive people should consider wearing white clothes which are less likely to attract bees than gay colors.

 Also long sleeves and trousers will reduce danger of contact with stinging insects. If you are ever confronted with a person suffering a severe reaction to an insect sting or bite, and if an emergency kit with adrenaline and anti- histamine is not available, you can do some good by placing a tourniquet between bitten or stung area and the heart, applying ice to the inflamed area, and rushing the victim to the nearest doctor or hospital. Emotions and Allergy You may ask how emotions can have any effect in the reaction between an allergen and an antibody.

Usually, in this country, the source is a food handler who may have no symptoms or only very mild ones, and whose unclean hands transmit the disease. In some countries, water is infected, or human Feces may be allowed to contaminate food-growing areas; in some parts of I he world, human feces are used as optimizer.

Since amebic infection can cause pain and disability from diarrhea and may lead to death if the infection spreads from intestine to other parts of the body-it is important to understand basic facts about its transmission. With this knowledge, primary preventive measures can be used. Where dependable, clean water is not available and the traveler or camper must rely on questionable sup- plies or use wells, streams or lakes, water must be boiled for ten minutes or treated with special chemical disinfectants.