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Showing posts with label living room. Show all posts
Showing posts with label living room. Show all posts

Friday, January 23, 2015

Home accidents at Cellar, Living Room and Bedroom- how to prevent it and treatment?


 As already noted, have your heating system checked by a competent serviceman before cold weather arrives. The cellar is often a play area, especially in winter. Try to separate heating equipment from children's play space. You can put up a wall inexpensively with a few 2" x 4" wood studs and some pressed board partitions. Until your children are old enough to be trusted alone for an hour or more, never let them go to the cellar alone. Avoid clutter. Clearly defined areas should be set aside for tools, equipment, screens, and other paraphernalia. The cellar, including the stairs, should be as well lighted as any other room. There should be at least one sturdy railing for the cellar stairs.


 As already suggested, have a screen covering the entire fireplace. Fasten window curtains, etc., so they cannot blow near the fire- place. You can use various means, including rubber mason-ear rings sewn on the undersides, to anchor rugs. Make certain, there are no long electric light cords to trip over, any open sockets where young children can get to them.


 Observe the precautions about fire and electrical hazards already listed. Don't smoke in bed or sleep with a heating pad turned on. If there are young children, have bars or safety catches on windows. Make certain the paint on anything they might chew on is not poisonous. Keep any objects a baby might swallow or hurt him with out of reach. The sides of cribs should have extensions, because standard cribs are not high enough.