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Showing posts with label nasal polyps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nasal polyps. Show all posts

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Nose and Mouth health issues and preventive care

Nose and health problems

The ordinarily healthy nose needs little special care. Avoid the use of nose drops, sprays, or sniffers unless your physician prescribes them for a specific purpose. Their continued use can cause irritation or injury. They will not cure postnasal drip. Actually, the nose normally is moist inside, kept so by mucus and a thin watery secretion produced by small glands in the lining of the membranes. 

There is a continuous healthy process of flowing and drying and sweeping backward to the throat of any excess fluids and mucus. It's this process that accounts for a normal amount of mucus in the throat termed postnasal drip. Thus postnasal drip is a normal process. If the drip be- comes excessive and unpleasant, it may be because of infection, allergy, vitamin deficiency, excessively dry, heated wintertime environment, or other problems.

Nose drops and sprays will not help under these circumstances and may, in fact, add to the problem if your postnasal drip excess is due to overly sensitive membranes.

If you have a disturbing postnasal drip problem, the best thing to do is to see your physician for definitive diagnosis and treatment, with emphasis on preventive treatment. If you won't see a physician, the next best thing to do is leave the drip alone. Despite what you may have heard, we can assure you that mucus which accumulates is not "full of dangerous germs" and will not "poison you or ruin your digestion if you swallow it." It is quite harmless. Your mouth does not need and may actually be harmed by "medications" that claim to cure halitosis and other conditions. 

Mouthwashes, antiseptic lozenges, and gargles come in contact with only the surface of the mouth and do not reach any germs that are more deeply entrenched when infection is present. Halitosis, or bad breath, accompanies gum disease. It can also be caused by teeth and gums that are not kept properly clean. However, it may be due to inflamed tonsils, infections in or behind the nose, and conditions of the stomach or intestines. Certain foods, of course, cause odorous breath. 

Some diseases such as uremia produce foul breath. It is not always easy to tell whether or not one has a mild case of halitosis. It is sometimes possible to find out for oneself whether marked halitosis is present by forced expiration into your cupped hands held over mouth and nose. In any case, there is no need to worry endlessly about halitosis or spend time and money on remedies that do little good, since your dentist or physician will be glad not only to determine whether you do have halitosis but also, if you do, to help you find cause and cure. 

Like the nose and mouth, the throat does not need sprays, gargles, or lozenges to keep it healthy. Avoid them because their regular use may produce irritation. Sore throats are almost as common as colds, since a certain amount of throat inflammation may accompany a cold. 



Hiccups are short, sharp inspiratory coughs involving spasmodic lowering of the diaphragm. They may be due to indigestion, overloaded stomach, irritation under the surface of the diaphragm, alcoholism, and many other possible causes. There are many home remedies, anyone of which may work in simple cases: warm applications to the diaphragm region, protrusion of the tongue, holding of the breath, drinking water, applications of cold to the spine, exhaling and inhaling into and from a paper bag. In severe persistent cases, medical attention is required.


 It goes almost without saying that the most common respiratory problem -in fact, the most common disease in the world-is the common cold. You will undoubtedly want to read the special discussion of this. Other conditions, as well as the common cold, may produce nasal congestion. They include hay fever and other allergies, chronic infections, nasal polyps, sinusitis, and a deviated or crooked septum. Enlarged adenoids may also be a cause of nasal congestion in children. 

Your physician, or a specialist to whom he may wish to refer you, can do much now not only to provide relief for such problems but very often to use preventive techniques that will avoid recurrences and possible progression to more complicated problems. Ozena is a disease of the nose involving the turbinates and mucous membranes. It is accompanied by considerable crusting and discharge and a very offensive odor. 

It should have medical attention as soon as possible. Actually, a persistent, foul-smelling discharge in children is much more often caused by some foreign object such as a bean or pencil eraser lodged deep in a nasal passage. Always have a physician take care of this.

An occasional minor nosebleed is no cause for alarm. It may stop by itself-and often does. Cold compresses to the nose and back of the head, and pressure on the soft portion of the nostril on the bleeding side for five minutes, may help. Or the bleeding may stop if the affected nostril is plugged with sterile cotton. Frequent nosebleeds deserve medical attention. 

They may simply mean that a particular small blood vessel in the nose is at fault, and the physician may be able to attend to it in a few minutes. On the other hand, nosebleeds in children sometimes may indicate rheumatic fever. They may also herald onset of typhoid fever. Contrary to a popular notion, they rarely stem from high blood pressure. If your nose bleeds frequently without apparent cause, your physician will try to determine exactly what is involved and then use suitable treatment. 

Should an unsightly nose be changed by plastic surgery?,perhaps. This is a matter to talk over with your physician. If the advises an operation for cosmetic reasons, he will refer you to a surgeon specializing in this type of surgery. Surgery may be appropriate, too, when an abnormal situation.