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Showing posts with label CHOLESTEROL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CHOLESTEROL. Show all posts

Monday, December 8, 2014

Physical fitness, excercises, health issues- health education-calories

Your exercise program should be balanced, just as diet should be balanced. You need one or more activities to exercise the heart and lungs and to build endurance. Brisk walking, jogging, and swimming relatively long distances are good for this. Other parts of the program should be aimed at improving strength, agility, flexibility, and muscle tone. Suggestions for a home exercise program to achieve these objectives can be found in such publications as these: Adult Physical Fitness. 

President's Council on Physical Fitness

Washing- ton, D.C., Supt, of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office
Physical Fitness

Department of Health Education, American Medical Association, 535 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. Seven Paths to Fitness.

Department of Health Education, American Medical Association, 535 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill Most people understand how. Specific exercises for various muscles and parts of the body can develop strength. These are certainly worthwhile. For some reason, one particular area of relative neglect is the abdominal muscle area. 

Another is the muscles of the back. Both are important in terms of good posture; both are important, too, as aids in avoiding sagging waistlines and backaches. We give exercises for these in this chapter along with another exercise for the muscles of the buttocks; and the four exercises, in addition to their general value, are helpful in restoring muscle tone in these areas in people who are slimming down.

But we think it important to go on at once to emphasize here the activities that exercise the heart and lungs and build endurance. 

When you are at rest, all the muscles in your body use only about one thirtieth of the oxygen they can use during maximum effort. The more oxygen they use, the more the heart will respond, pumping harder to get more oxygen- Physical Activity I 87 carrying blood into circulation. Over a period of time, as a result of this, heart pumping efficiency will increase. 

The heart will become able to pump much more blood with each stroke. At the same time, lung capacity, much of it never used in sedentary living, will increase to absorb and feed more oxygen into the bloodstream. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

How eating binges, breakfast, beverages affect your weight loss, weight control, weight management


 Some dieters are able to go off their diets occasionally without ill effect. Their morale may even benefit from knowing they can do this every month, which is better than constant "cheating." But re- member that you probably have a great tendency to eat more than you need or you wouldn't be dieting in the first place, so be very careful.


 If you do talk about it, some people may consider you a bore; some may try to get you to break your diet; some will help you to keep it. You have to know which kind you are with before you start discussing your diet. Sometimes, it may be just as well simply to say that your physician has asked you not to eat certain foods. As a general rule, the best social technique is to avoid calling attention to your problem. Simply eat very little of fattening foods placed before you.


 A reasonably healthy, high-protein meal in the morning keeps people from being hungry in the midmorning and from eating too much at noon.


As you can see from the listings in the table, alcoholic beverages are high in calories. They don’t expect perhaps when taken in excess. Three glasses of 76 / Building General Health as Preventive Therapy beer, at 120 calories per 8-ounce glass, will supply as many calories as a fairly substantial breakfast. An evening of cocktails can provide almost as many calories as a full day's reducing diet. Even more serious is the fact that the calories supplied by alcohol are empty ones, without necessary food values such as proteins or minerals.  

Many people have turned to weight-reducing clubs where join with others wishing to reduce. The clubs are helpful in pi t1viding motivation. But medical authorities have reservations about supervision provided.  This dubs vary considerably in their programs, but all emphasize diet. Coupled with lectures, literature, and experience-sharing, some prescribe particular exercises.

 Many require an initial medical certificate for membership, but few have continuing medical supervision. Physicians have reported that, because of the lack of medical supervision in some clubs, the condition of their heart and diabetic patients worsened as a result of diet advice given. If you are considering joining some diet club you may have read or heard about, the best policy is to check with your physician about that particular club and its standing and whether he advises that you join it. 

Food Intake Suggestions For Weight Control, Weight Loss

Weight Control, Weight loss Suggestions

Don’t taste while cooking and don't lick the bowl when finished cooking. It has been said jokingly, but not without a grain of truth, that half the overweight.

 House wives in this country have tasted or licked themselves. Add a great deal in calories. Are they worth it? If you happened to be a "snacker," you can study the snack chart. Consider that a cup of tea or coffee, without cream, with, spoonful of sugar, contains only 16 calories; it may satisfy yourself or at least take the edge off it, and provide the quick energy you.

On the other hand, a chocolate sundae will run between 300 and 500 calories, and half a brick of plain ice cream is 200 (and even low-calorie ice cream is 100). Nibbling between meals does help some people to diet by decreasing their appetite at mealtime.

 If you try this, keep careful count of calories  you will know whether or not it is really helping you. Nibbling also may be suggested by a physician for some heart patients, since the body can manage five or six very small meals daily more easily than the customary three, one or two of which may be fairly heavy.

The idea that you are helping your children when you sample their dinners or finish their portions is one that ought to be dropped. It helps neither them nor you-and can become a fattening habit. 

weight loss-fried foods-sweets-starches- diet control, natural diet

Avoid fried foods, especially those that are French fried. It is difficult to determine just how many calories these foods contain, since they absorb varying amounts of fat, but it is always a great deal. Boil or poach eggs; you won't mind unbuttered toast if you serve your egg on it. Try cooking eggs on a griddle or the type of pan that does not require greasing. If you cook stews ahead of time and let them cool, you can remove the hardened fat, at least from your portion-and stews often are even better when rewarmed. Trim fat from your meat, and omit rich gravy.


An artificial sweetener, in tablet, powdered, liquid, or crystal form, can be used in many ways in addition to sweetening beverages. It can be used with skim milk on cereal and on strawberries or other fruits, cooked or uncooked. (If you serve fruit stewed in sugar, give the syrup to someone who needs the calories.) Sponge and angel cake are not very high in calories if you separate out your portions before adding icing for others in the family or before adding jam or fruit syrup. Make your own gelatin desserts so you can use saccharin for your portion, sugar for the rest. Take very small portions of any dessert, and avoid soft drinks unless you use the low-calorie types.


Undoubtedly you are accustomed to getting bulk from starches. You can get it instead from leafy green vegetables. Don't munch on bread and butter. In restaurants, ask the waiter not to bring the bread until he serves the main course. In some areas, salads are served first-a good idea because salads take the edge off your hunger before you get to the higher-calorie foods. Use wine vinegar with herbs or lemon juice on your own salad while serving richer dressings to others. Good gravies can be made without flour; one way is to use powdered milk which is fat-free.

Vegetables, either dried ones or fresh ones cooked down, and herbs will thicken stews. Chinese restaurants serve bulky, low-calorie dishes-if you avoid the rice. Many Chinese vegetables can be purchased in stores. Avoid restaurants that have a strictly enforced "no substitutes" rule. Many restaurants will give you an extra vegetable or an extra serving of the one on your dinner, or a salad, in place of potatoes. When serving soups such as minestrone or chowder, take mainly the clear part for yourself, leaving most of the macaroni, potatoes, and so on, for the others. 



 Soup Bouillon or consommé Cream soups Split-pea soup Vegetable-beef or chicken Tomato Chicken noodle Clam chowder Meat and fish Beef steak Roast beef Ground beef Roast leg of lamb Rib lamb chop Loin pork chop Ham, smoked or boiled Bacon frankfurter Tongue, kidney Chicken Turkey Salami Bologna Veal cutlet (un-breaded) Hamburger patty (regular ground beef) Beef liver, fried Bluefish, baked Fish sticks, breaded (including fat for frying) Tuna fish, canned, drained Salmon, drained Sardines, drained Shrimp, canned Trout Fish (cod, haddock, mackerel, halibut, whitefish, broiled or baked)

 Whole lobster Vegetables Asparagus Beans, green kidney lima Beets Broccoli Cabbage, raw cooked Carrots, sweet white potato chips Radishes Spinach Squash, summer winter Tomatoes, raw canned or cooked fruits Apple Applesauce, unsweetened sweetened Apricot, raw canned or dried Avocado Banana Cantaloupe Cherries, fresh canned, syrup Cranberry sauce Fruit cocktail, canned Grapefruit Olives Orange Peach, fresh canned, syrup Pear, fresh canned, syrup Pineapple, canned (with syrup) Plums, fresh canned, syrup Prunes, cooked with sugar Raisins, dried Tangerine cereal, bread, and crackers.  
 Building general Health as Preventive Therapy Weight Control


Cereal, bread, and crackers Farina, cooked Oatmeal, cooked Rice, cooked Macaroni or spaghetti, cooked Egg noodles, cooked Flour Bread, white, rye, or whole wheat Ry-Krisp Saltine Ritz cracker Biscuit Hard roll Pancakes Waffles Bun-cinnamon with raisins Danish pastry Muffin Dairy products Whole milk Evaporated milk Skim milk Buttermilk (from skim milk) Light cream, sweet or sour 

Heavy cream Yoghurt Whipped cream Ice cream Cottage cheese Cheese Butter Egg, plain fried or scrambled Cake and other desserts Chocolate layer cake Angel cake Sponge cake Fruit pie Cream pie Lemon meringue pie Chocolate pudding  Fruit ice Doughnut, plain Brownie Cookie.

CALORIE COUNT - Weight Control - What Food to take? How ?Much Food to take?

Weight Control  


How do you determine the proper calorie level per day for you? Your physician can help, taking into account your present weight, desired weight, state of health, and normal activities. He may suggest perhaps as few as 1,200 calories per day if you are an adult woman, 1,500 to 1,800 if you are an adult man. These levels are about half those of non-dieters. 

Within these limits, you can diet reasonably happily on a wide variety of foods and obtain all essential nutrients. Or your physician may suggest a reduction of intake level by as little as 300 or 400 calories. It is usually not considered wise to depend upon a reduction of less than 300 or 400, since one or two miscalculations or indulgences may mean no weight loss at all.

Remember that the objective is permanent weight loss, not a flashy quick cut down, promptly followed by a return of the excess pounds. So what if it takes several months or even a year to reach your ideal weight -as long as you will be using a tolerable diet, one you can sustain, retraining you’re eating habits so you can enjoy the new habits and the desired weight level for the rest of your life. 

Always remember that only one-half pound of weight loss per week means 26 pounds for the year, and 1 pound a week means over 50 pounds lost. In setting up your diet, your physician most likely will move in the direction of a little of everything, to assure balance and variety.

He will make certain you get something from each of the four basic food groups (see page 49). He will be thinking in terms not merely of reducing but of general health, of reducing without risk of malnutrition or risk of fomenting heart disease. 

As an example, sample menus for 1,200 calories a day diet might go like this: 

Breakfast: 1/2 small grapefruit; 1 poached egg; 1 slice of toast; 1 small pat of butter or margarine; coffee or tea. 

Lunch: A 3-ounce cooked serving of lean meat, poultry, or fish; 1 serving of vegetable; 1 serving of fruit; 1 slice of bread; 1 small pat of butter or margarine; 1 glass of skim milk. 

Dinner: A large broiled beef patty; 1/2 cup of asparagus; 1/2 to 1 cup of tossed green salad with vinegar dressing; 1 slice of bread; 1 small pat of butter or margarine; 1/2 cup of pineapple; 1 glass of skim milk. Snacks, if desired, may consist of bouillon or consommé, tomato juice, raw vegetables, coffee or tea, or food saved from meals. 

You may find it convenient to use a mini-pocketbook calorie counter available in pharmacies and food stores. 

For your general guidance, the table lists the calorie content of many commonly used foods   


As for appetite and exercise 

while it is true that a thin person in good condition may eat more after increased activity, his exercise will burn up the extra calories. But the overly fat person does not react the same way; only when he exercises to excess will he experience an appetite increase, since he has large stores of fat, and moderate exercise in his case is not likely to stimulate appetite. This difference between the response to exercise of fat and thin people is an important one.

There are many opportunities to be found throughout the day for using up calories through little extra bits of activity. You can, for ex- ample, use up 100 calories with 20 minutes of gardening, 30 minutes of ironing, or 30 minutes of playing with the children. Any time you get up from behind a desk, walk about the room, perhaps just bend and stretch for a few times, you will not be burning up great quantities of calories- but do this every hour or two, and at the end of the week you will have burned a significant number.


 Massage may tone up the skin and muscles and help the body adjust to its new, slimmer contours. Your doctor will know when to recommend massage if it would help. 


Only temporarily, since they serve merely to eliminate water, which is almost immediately regained. Not only do these methods achieve no permanent results of value but they may put a strain on heart and circulation. Sauna baths, recently fashionable, expose the body to high temperatures to bring about violent sweating. This is a shock to the body, sometimes doubling the pulse rate, as much of a shock as sudden and violent exercise. 

To be sure, saunas have long been popular in Finland, but the Finns use saunas over a lifetime rather than starting suddenly in flabby middle age, and they dash water on heated stones, producing a more humid and more tolerable (and possibly safer for the lungs) type of heat than electrically heated American saunas. 


Weight Control  


The frequent weight gains and losses indulged in by. The many obese people who practice what one writer calls the "rhythm method of birth control" may actually be more harmful than maintenance of a steady excess weight. For example, it has been shown that serum cholesterol is elevated during periods of weight gain, thus increasing the risk that it will be deposited on artery walls? 

We have no evidence to show that once cholesterol is deposited it can be removed by weight reduction. And it is possible that a person whose weight has fluctuated up and down a number of times has been subjected to more Atherogenic (artery- hardening) stress than a person with stable though excessive weight- and such stress increases the danger of heart attack and stroke.

 Animal experiments have shown that animals of normal weight have a longer life expectancy than obese animals. They have also shown that if an animal has been obese and has been repeatedly reduced, it will have a shorter life expectancy than the obese animal that has never been reduced. Such evidence adds further question to the advisability of undertaking weight reduction that cannot be sustained.


There is nothing complicated about the principles for safe, sound, and effective weight reduction and they are principles that rest on solid scientific study.

1.       There are no healthy substitutes for them, and any attempts to circumvent them are only invitations to frustration and failure.

2.       Without any equivocation but rather as forcibly as we can, we wish to emphasize that all else is bunk, junk, profitable only to the purveyors and never truly so to the believer-buyers-and this is the set of principles upon which you must, and can reliably, pin your hopes for safe and effective weight control: If the number of calories you eat averages more than the number your body uses, you gain.
        If calorie intake totals less than calorie use, you lose weight. If you are to lose one pound of fat, you will have to take in 3,500 calories less than you expend. And while a sound reducing diet should, of course, lead to weight loss, it must, in addition, have three basic characteristics:

It must produce loss of weight at a safe pace.

 It must offer variety so that it maintains health and provides some pleasure in eating as well as some satisfaction of hunger.

Building General Health as Preventive Therapy

It must teach new, and enjoyable, eating patterns so that you do not promptly slip back into old, weight-gaining eating habits. And, in most cases, coupled with a good reducing diet having such characteristics there must be a sound program of exercise or other physical activity that will increase the calorie expenditure level, ease the dieting regimen, and contribute to general health in the process. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014



An unequivocal answer to whether lowering cholesterol levels will reduce heart attacks will require long-term studies involving large numbers of people. But there is enough evidence at hand to make it seem wise, many authorities agree, to encourage changes in the typical American diet, which tends to include excessive amounts of cholesterol and fats. Desirable changes have been recommended by the American Heart Association.

Where the average daily diet in the United States contains about 600 milligrams of cholesterol, the Heart Association recommends that this be cut to less than 300, also called for: a decrease in intake of saturated fats and an increase in intake of polyunsaturated.

 This, the Association is convinced, will lower abnormal concentrations of cholesterol in most people. The ideal quantity of fat needed in the diet is not known, but an intake of less than 40 percent of calories from fat is considered desirable. And of this total, polyunsaturated fats probably should make up twice the quantity of saturated fats. To follow these recommendations, you may have to change some eating habits but you will not have to give up all your favorite dishes.

 To control cholesterol intake, you will need to eat no more than three egg yolks a week, including eggs used in cooking. You will also need to limit your use of shellfish and organ meats. To control the amounts and types of fats:

1. Use fish, chicken, turkey, and veal in most meals for the week. Limit beef, lamb, pork, and ham to five moderate-sized portions a week.

2. Choose lean cuts of meat; trim any visible fat; and discard any fat that cooks out of meat.

3. Avoid deep-fat frying. Instead, use cooking methods that help to remove fats: baking, broiling, boiling, roasting, and stewing.

4. Restrict use of fatty "luncheon" and "variety" meats such as sausages and salami. 

5. Instead of butter and other cooking fats that are solid or completely hydrogenated, use liquid vegetable oils and margarine that are rich in polyunsaturated fats.

 6. Instead of whole milk and cheeses made from whole milk and cream, use skimmed milk and skimmed milk cheeses. 



Cholesterol has become a household word because of evidence indicating that excesses of it in the blood may play a part in producing coronary atherosclerosis, the narrowing of the coronary arteries which may lead to heart attacks. Cholesterol is present as such in some foods. It is also produced by the body. Actually, the soft, waxy, yellowish substance is an essential part of every body cell. It plays a basic role in the passage of substances through cell walls. 

One example of how cholesterol does this is readily observable: when you put your hand into a basin of water, little of the water soaks into the skin. The reason: cholesterol in the outer layer of skin cells makes the skin impermeable to water.

Since the material is essential, the body is equipped to produce a supply as well as use what comes in, ready-built, in food. The liver can make cholesterol from molecules of acetyl coenzyme A, a chemical derived from fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. It is not cholesterol per se but an excess of it in the blood which is the danger factor. 

And while an excess can be traced to some extent to a diet heavy in foods rich in cholesterol, a high-fat diet may raise blood cholesterol levels abnormally. This appears to be due to increased deposits of fat in the liver, providing an increased source of acetyl coenzyme A for liver manufacture of cholesterol.

Moreover, it is the nature of the fat in the diet that is significant. Some types of fat, known as saturated, increase blood cholesterol levels. Others, called unsaturated and polyunsaturated, do not-and, in fact, tend to slightly decrease cholesterol levels. The difference between saturated and unsaturated, from a chemist's viewpoint, is a matter of hydro-gen atoms: saturated fats are saturated with, or full of, hydrogen atoms; unsaturated fats have room for more hydrogen atoms. 

In everyday terms, the primary saturated fats are milk fat, meat fat, coconut oil, and cocoa fat.

 Milk fat includes the fat in butter, most cheeses, and ice cream as well as whole milk. Meat fat means primarily the fat of beef, pork, and lamb; veal has less fat, and chicken and turkey are low in fat and the fat they contain is less saturated. Polyunsaturated fats are the liquid vegetable oils such as safflower, soybean, corn, and cottonseed, the Food You Eat.