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Showing posts with label sex and mental health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sex and mental health. Show all posts

Monday, January 19, 2015

Sex and mental health

Nature, for example, sets up an ecological balance; it produces organisms with their own niches; it makes some that are useful to man (those, for instance, that we need for cheese) but others that are capable of killing people; it balances organisms against each other, species against each other. Nature made men and women to have children, many children, so that at least some might survive the hazards nature puts in the way. 

Since man has eliminated many of these hazards now, has developed means for preventing malnutrition and means for conquering and even preventing many of the diseases of childhood which once took a huge toll, it is not necessary to have many children in order for a few to survive. In ancient days, unwanted babies were left out to die. 

Civilization stopped that practice and is now increasingly concerned with not permitting unwanted children to perish emotionally and spiritually.

Major religions, and recently even governments expressing the desire of peoples, have recognized the need for and wisdom of controlling nature's lavish manner of providing children. Birth control, they agree, is desirable, even necessary. 

Many methods of birth control are now available. Conception can be avoided by mechanical and chemical means and also by the calendar or rhythm method, the latter approved by the Roman Catholic Church.  

Sex and mental health

POSITIONS FOR INTERCOURSE One is face-to-face; another is that in' which the men in forward while the woman turns her back; and there are variations of these basic positions. The purposes of different positions are to Increase pleasure and to prevent hygienic dangers or injuries. Also, a person who has heart disease or another serious illness may want to use positions that require the least amount of physical exertion, e.g., the side positions.

MAN ABOVE WOMAN. In this position-considered the standard one in our Western culture-the woman lies on her back, with thighs spread so there is room between her legs for the man's thighs. By bending her.

Legs, she allows for deeper penetration. The man lies upon his partner's abdomen, supporting his knees and elbows on the bed as much as possible so he is less of a burden. If the woman holds her thighs together after entry, it will help in cases where the penis may be small or the vagina large. It will also increase friction against the clitoris. 

With thighs tight together, the woman can prevent the penis from entering too deeply, if this is needed to prevent pain. If the vagina is large, this technique may be helpful: The woman lifts her thighs high enough to encircle the man's neck with her legs or to rest her feet on his shoulders. Thus her body is almost at right angles, with her shoulders flat and her torso lifted as vertically as possible.


 The woman can kneel over the man and let herself down gently until the penis is inserted. The advantage of this position is that she has full control of the movements and can quicken or slow down as she pleases. She can also adjust herself to the penis by bending forward so full contact with the clitoris is made. Properly used, this position can result in sexual delight. It is helpful if the man is tired. A possible disadvantage is that it requires a good deal of exertion by the woman while the man is relatively passive. It is not recommended if the vaginal passage is unusually short. And it is not recommended if the man is, sick or convalescing, since it is likely to be more stimulating than the following side position.


 The partners lie on their sides, facing each other. The woman raises her upper thigh and rests it on the man's upper thigh. This is excellent for those who wish coitus during preg- nancy as there is little pressure on the woman's abdomen. For couples who wish to relax, this side attitude will be appealing and restful.


 This method is also recommended for pregnant women or in any other case where deep penetration and weight on the abdomen are not desirable. The woman, usually in a kneeling stance, has her back to the man. The man enters the vagina from behind. This position does not give the woman as much pleasure as some others since the clitoris is not touched by the penis. The man can compensate for this by fondling the clitoris (and the breasts) with his hands. 

Sexual preferences and mental health

Certainly, there are times when illness or extreme fatigue prevents this, and an understanding husband will wait for a more favorable time. Should sexual preferences be discussed between husband and wife? In as many as 90 percent of sexually unhappy marriages, some investigators have found, there has been a barrier of silence.

 The wife has never told her husband the things that are sexually meaningful for her, that help her develop her sexual feelings. She has never told her husband the 'things she wishes he would do. It is essential for wives and husbands to learn to say: This is what I like and don't like what I want and don't want. How often should one have intercourse? There is no proper frequency for sex.

Sexual satisfaction is much more a matter of quality than quantity. Appetites vary. If there is any suggestion it is that frequency of intercourse should be as spontaneous' as any other aspect of sex, and no rule should be followed. Statistics compiled by various investigators indicate that the average is about twice a week, more often in young or newly wedded couples, less often in older ones. But so many factors-temperaments, opportunity, fatigue, compatibility-are involved that such figures mean little to any individual.

The best guide, we suggest, is: If both partners feel well, if coitus does not cause discomfort or fatigue, and if it is followed by physical and emotional relaxation, there is no need to worry about over- doing. Repeated failure to obtain satisfaction after experiencing orgasm indicates some problem, which should be discussed with your physician or a trained counselor. While there usually is some decline in desire to have intercourse as middle age is reached, some women reach the height of sexual vigor quite late in life, even after they have passed the menopause, and some men remain sexually vigorous into old age. 

Should there be intercourse during the menstrual period? This is a matter for each couple to decide. Coitus may cause the wife some big comfort, especially if she has "cramps" during her period, but it will do no physical harm to either husband or wife.

Coitus does not "consume" one's potency, and abstention not that any position is the right or normal one if.