Friendly bacteria keep under control harmful organisms that
also are natives of the digestive tract. When friendly bacteria are killed off
in large numbers, there is less competition for the harmful residents and they
have a chance to multiply. The result may be super infection-a new and
different infection that develops as a result of another's being treated.
Again, the super infection is often mild and disappears once antibiotic
treatment stops.
But super infection sometimes can be severe.
What it comes down to is this: use of potent modern
medications, not only antibiotics but many others, involves a calculated risk
and alertness. Ideally, the physician uses them after careful consideration and
upon arriving at the decision that the good to be gained outweighs any risks
along the way-and uses them with caution, keeping alert to the earliest
indications of any new trouble from the drugs which he may be able to overcome
by change of dosage, switch of medication, addition of other medication, or
when necessary discontinuance of treatment.
One of the major problems, though, has been the insistence
of many patients upon willy-nilly prescription of medication. They may demand
penicillin, for example, for a cold or any fever. They have the feeling that a
visit to the doctor is not complete unless the doctor "gives" them
something. Too often, this has put physicians on the spot; and to please
patients, some have prescribed medication against their better judgment.
So far as your own health is concerned, you can do much to
preserve it not just by seeking timely medical advice but by taking it-by
avoiding insistence upon medications, by indicating to your physician that you
are aware of the values and also limitations of medications, the need to use
them wisely not indiscriminately, to use them when they are required and not
A man who took double the prescribed dose of an anticoagulant-a drug that, in effect, acts to thin the blood to prevent clot formation-found himself in the hospital a few days later with severe nosebleedsand vomiting of blood.
A man who took double the prescribed dose of an anticoagulant-a drug that, in effect, acts to thin the blood to prevent clot formation-found himself in the hospital a few days later with severe nosebleedsand vomiting of blood.
A woman with
bronchial asthma was admitted to the hospital with heart palpitations after she
had used, contrary to instructions, an isoprenaline (isoproterenol) spray
repeatedly for several hours. Another patient, a 29-year-old man, who had
decided to take 50 percent' more than his prescribed dose of a cortisone like
drug, came- to the hospital with changed personality, considerable weight gain
from fluid retention, and other effects.