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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

NArcotics and Health Issues


Narcotic drugs include opium and its pain-killing derivatives such as heroin, morphine, and codeine, which are obtained from the juice of the poppy fruit. In addition, there are synthetic, or man-made, narcotics such as Demerol and nalorphine. 

Most used by addicts is heroin, also called junk, snow, stuff, and smack. Heroin is a brain and nervous system depressant. It reduces hunger, thirst, and sex drive as well as pain feelings.

Typically, heroin produces an easing of fear and a relief from worry as a first emotional reaction. It provides self-confidence and, as some addicts describe it, a kind of imperviousness to troubles which "roll off the mind." After this first reaction, there may be a period of inactivity that verges on a stupor us state. 

Heroin and other narcotics produce tolerance, so that increased dosage needed to achieve effects, and physical dependence. When an adult taking heroin, withdrawal sickness may include such symptoms, chills, shaking, diarrhea, nausea, sharp abdominal and leg.