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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How Supplementary Tests are useful along with Blood tests to determine and eradicate diseases?

A chest x-ray to disclose abnormality of the lungs is commonly made. X-ray studies are also used, when considered necessary, to check on heart size and, with the help of barium' either taken by mouth or given by enema, to study the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract. In addition, with the aid of injections of special dyes, x-rays today can be used to study the chambers within the heart and the condition of blood vessels. There is a method of using x-ray, after injection of a dye into an artery leading to the brain, to detect a brain tumor; this technique shows the blood vessel architecture of the brain and where tumor growth has pushed one or more vessels out of normal position. Blood studies have many values.

For a blood count, blood is drawn from a vein in the arm or fingertip, mixed with a diluting fluid, placed in a glass chamber so the number of red and white blood cells can be counted. Red pigment (hemoglobin) in the blood can be determined by comparison with color standards. The proportion of red cells in relation to the rest of the blood can be established by whirling the blood in a centrifuge so that heavier red cells settle in the bottom of a small measured tube called a hematocrit.
 Any departures from normal-such as too little hemoglobin indicative of anemia, too few white cells indicative of inability to combat infection, too many white cells indicative of body response to an infection not otherwise apparent-can are noted quickly.

Blood, usually taken from a vein in small amounts, also may be checked for sugar content as a test for diabetes and for the level of a substance, uric acid, as a test for gout. And sophisticated new blood tests often are valuable for heart problems, supplementing the information provided by the electrocardiogram. The electrocardiogram, a record of the electrical activity of the heart, is useful for analyzing any disturbances of heartrhythm, detecting inflammation, showing damage to the heart muscle, and making other determinations. An electrocardiogram, taken in good health, is of value because it provides a baseline for the future; it establishes what is normal for the individual and allows better interpretation of any changes that occur later. When a heart attack occurs-and many heart attacks are silent-an electrocardiogram will show that it has occurred. But it may not show accurately how much of the heart has been damaged.