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Showing posts with label Principles od excercises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Principles od excercises. Show all posts

Monday, December 8, 2014

vacations help to destress and give relaxation to your muscles and brain

Still others benefit by arrangements that allow them to enjoy a series of four-day or five-day vacations, taken perhaps four times the more each year. 1f it is possible for you to have such flexibility, it could be well worth-while. 

Before You Go on Vacation It's a good idea to see your doctor before you go off on an extended vacation-so you won't have to see him after it is over. In fact, just before a vacation can be an especially suitable time for having your regular periodic checkup.

For one thing, your doctor can tell you how much and what kind of exercise you should undertake. If he finds you are not in condition to climb mountains or play tennis, you can select a place where you won't be tempted to engage in such activities. You will have more fun perhaps lying on a beach or sitting in a boat pulling in fish. 

Deciding where to go on your vacation can be important if you have a health problem such as hay fever, for example. Your doctor can advise about avoiding certain places at certain seasons. If you have a heart or lung problem, he can advise about altitudes and their possible effects.

Tell your physician not only where you plan to go but how you will get thereby train, plane, ship, or car. If you have any tendency to motion sickness, your physician can prescribe medication to help prevent it. Depending upon where you plan to go and the availability there of medical facilities, your physician may suggest that you take along a first-aid kit. 

A minimum one, under some conditions, might include the following items, and your physician can provide prescriptions for those that require them: Aspirin-for headache, fever, muscle aches and pains Antiseptic, such as hydrogen peroxide, tincture of iodine, or benzalkonium chloride Skin lotion-to protect against sunburn and windburn Anti-Nauseant for motion sickness Antacid-for mild stomach upset Sedative for emotional upset, overstimulation, or nervous upset Broad-spectrum antibiotic-effective against a wide range of bacteria, in case of serious illness; to be selected by your physician and used precisely as he instructs container of small bandages Sterilized gauze squares Roll of adhesive tape, one-half inch wide A pectinkaolate compound such as Kaopectate, or paregoric, or Lomotil for diarrhea and "tourist trots" 

How Much Sleep is essential? Age and timings of sleep


 Sleep is essential, but the amount required varies. The usual sleeping time for the adult is eight hours, but some people need less, some need more. Everyone has heard the story of Thomas A. Edison sleeping only two hours a night-and the romantic picture of Edison working on through the night to invent the electric light bulb suggests that any of us, strong willed enough, could cut down on sleep and have more time to become famous and rich. The fact is that Edison, though protesting that sleep was a loss of time and opportunity, was concerned about getting his own quota of sleep, according to his own diaries.

He napped often, and frequently drifted back to sleep for another hour or so after waking in the morning. Some physicians are firmly convinced that if shortchanging yourself on sleep does not catch up with you quickly, it will, and there will come the day when you suddenly appear to lose your energy, become prone to ailments, and suffer a general deterioration of health. There is no simple answer to the question of how much sleep is best. The essential test is whether you feel rested in the morning and have enough energy to carry on the day's activities.

Eight hours, as we have noted, is an average figure. If you do very heavy physical work or extremely exacting mental work, you may need more. Children need more sleep than adults since they are growing fast and are very active. Old people often have been thought to need less sleep; this is not necessarily true. They may need more, depending upon their activity and health. It could be a most worthwhile exercise to make your own investigation into your sleep needs, on the simple basis of experimenting to determine how much sleep makes you feel good, how much less makes you feel out of sorts, irritable, fatigued.