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Showing posts with label breakfast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breakfast. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Swimming a great relaxation source

A swim should leave you relaxed and comfortable; if it does not, you have stayed in the water too long. Take a shorter swim next time.  Long swim, have someone row along beside you or go with and long good swimmer. And be sure both of you know life-saving technique. 

The most expert swimmer can get a cramp-and if he does, he would drag you down unless you know how to avoid desperate clutches and how to tow him to shore. No matter how well you swim, stay close to shore if you are swimming to an isolated spot. Any races you may have won in high school or college will not protect you against cramps.

Don't try to swim a long distance the first few times out. Your swimming muscles may have lost strength through inaction; give them time to get strong again before you tackle rapid currents, heavy seas, or long distances. Before diving in a new place, test the water for depth and hidden logs or rocks. Lakes and rivers change in depth depending upon rainfall; md in salt water, high and low tides have to be considered. 

Find out for yourself whether your dive should be a shallow one-rather than risk a broken neck. If you have trouble with sinuses or ears, give up diving and under-water swimming. Excessive water in the nose may wash away secretions that help protect against infection.

In addition, infections may wash into the sinuses through the nose or may even reach the middle ear through the Eustachian passage from the throat. 

How to make vacations painfree and stress free?

An ointment for itching bites and sunburn Rules for Vacationists Remember that your vacation is not for the purpose of overexertion, for Relaxation filling lip for year-round sedentary living, for acquiring a copper skin. Recreation for change of scene and change of pace that can trip wiping away ennui and mental fatigue. It is to restore your zest.

 And one should return from it with zest restored instead of with vacation I V, illness and even vacation illness. Don’t plunge immediately into a heavy program of physical activity. You can virtually count on immediate collapse, if you go from a sea-level or high altitude; promptly indulge in a few highballs and a set of tennis. You are likely to have trouble, in fact, at any altitude if you overdo.

Take it easy for the first day or two. Play ball or swim for daily 10 hour or so; work up to increased activity gradually. In this way, you can avoid exhaustion and muscular cramps. Don't overeat. Chances are you will be tempted to do so when you II down to a hotel or restaurant dining table lavishly laden with food. 

Certainly you are paying for it and you may be even more hungry than usual because of all the activity. But you are likely to pay in other ways or overeating. The extra food may put more strain on your heart, which will be pumping fairly hard as you dash around the tennis court later. Never stuff yourself to the point where your stomach feels distended.

Avoid, during vacations, those rich foods that give you indigestion at home. If you are plagued by the unpleasant problem of diarrhea-which may develop because of an overly rich diet, eating strange foods, or drinking contaminated water-change to the softest, blandest foods possible: boiled or poached eggs, custard, rice with milk and sugar. After each movement, drink something hot-soup, tea or milk-to compensate for fluid loss. Sunburn An attractive skin tan is not anything that can be acquired in a day or two.

If you try to tan quickly, you are likely to get a burn that reddens and blisters your skin and may even put you in a hospital. You can prevent painful and ugly sunburn if you are careful about just a few things: Watch out for the noonday sun. When the sun is high overhead, its rays are short, direct, more burning. 

Late afternoon is the safer time to start your sunbathing. Remember that when the sky is overcast, the sun can still burn cruelly, so be careful on hazy as well as bright days. Know your own type of skin and how it burns. Skins differ. A child's burns more quickly than an adult's. Among adults, people with fair skins are quicker to burn than brunettes. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Weight Loss - Causes and Food Control

 It took time to put on the excess weight you want to be rid of. Take time to reduce. Moderate loss, at the rate of one-half pound to one pound a week, is healthier loss and the fat lost is more likely to stay off than fat lost in a hurry. And a pound a week adds up to 52 pounds a year. When you lose weight slowly, your skin adjusts and you don't get that deflated-balloon look.


Chocolate bar Chocolate creams Cookies Doughnut Banana Peach Apple Raisins Popcorn Potato chips Peanuts or pistachio nuts Walnuts, pecans, filberts or cashews Brazil nuts Butternuts Peanut butter Pickles Olives Ice cream Chocolate-nut sundae Ice cream soda Chocolate malted milk Eggnog (without liquor) Carbonated beverages Alcoholic Beverages Beer Wine Gin Rum Whiskey Brandy Cocktail 1 small bar 1 average size 1 medium size 1 plain 1 large 1 medium size 1 medium size 1/2 cup 1 cup popped 8-10 or 1/2 cup 1 4 whole or 1 tbsp. chopped 1 1 1 tbsp. 1 large sour 1 average sweet 1 1/2 cup 1 glass 1 glass 6 oz.  


The problem of overweight in adults may well have its roots in infancy and childhood. There has long been a tradition-certainly no longer valid in an age of modern medicine-that the plump child is better equipped to withstand disease. The practice of actually encouraging fatness in babies to help them withstand tuberculosis and other diseases is not only unnecessary; it is potentially dangerous. Recent scientific work provides some tentative new insights into how overfeeding of children in infancy and the preadolescent years may build up fat cells (adipose tissue) that may remain with them a lifetime. The studies suggest that once these cells are laid down, they never disappear.

When weight is lost, the cells shrink, but still remain.

 At times, they may send out signals demanding to be fed. This demand may help explain why many people find it difficult to keep their weight down after dieting. A constant craving for food may not be wholly psychological, as many have thought; it may be at least partly based on biological demand from deprived fat cells. A lean adult may have about 27 trillion fat cells in his body; an obese may have 77 trillion. Obesity, when it exists, can be and that involves childhood, even in early infancy.  But its prevention is far reasonable eating habits 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

How eating binges, breakfast, beverages affect your weight loss, weight control, weight management


 Some dieters are able to go off their diets occasionally without ill effect. Their morale may even benefit from knowing they can do this every month, which is better than constant "cheating." But re- member that you probably have a great tendency to eat more than you need or you wouldn't be dieting in the first place, so be very careful.


 If you do talk about it, some people may consider you a bore; some may try to get you to break your diet; some will help you to keep it. You have to know which kind you are with before you start discussing your diet. Sometimes, it may be just as well simply to say that your physician has asked you not to eat certain foods. As a general rule, the best social technique is to avoid calling attention to your problem. Simply eat very little of fattening foods placed before you.


 A reasonably healthy, high-protein meal in the morning keeps people from being hungry in the midmorning and from eating too much at noon.


As you can see from the listings in the table, alcoholic beverages are high in calories. They don’t expect perhaps when taken in excess. Three glasses of 76 / Building General Health as Preventive Therapy beer, at 120 calories per 8-ounce glass, will supply as many calories as a fairly substantial breakfast. An evening of cocktails can provide almost as many calories as a full day's reducing diet. Even more serious is the fact that the calories supplied by alcohol are empty ones, without necessary food values such as proteins or minerals.  

Many people have turned to weight-reducing clubs where join with others wishing to reduce. The clubs are helpful in pi t1viding motivation. But medical authorities have reservations about supervision provided.  This dubs vary considerably in their programs, but all emphasize diet. Coupled with lectures, literature, and experience-sharing, some prescribe particular exercises.

 Many require an initial medical certificate for membership, but few have continuing medical supervision. Physicians have reported that, because of the lack of medical supervision in some clubs, the condition of their heart and diabetic patients worsened as a result of diet advice given. If you are considering joining some diet club you may have read or heard about, the best policy is to check with your physician about that particular club and its standing and whether he advises that you join it.