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Showing posts with label illness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illness. Show all posts

Thursday, November 6, 2014

How Your Food Causes illnesses and remedies


someone food or class of foods with special value for preventing disease? The science of nutrition has much to offer for health but it does not take the form of a panacea food or food combination. The one fact that stands out most clearly as new advances are made is that except for certain specific problems-disease states for which special diets have been definitely established as helpful-the healthiest diet has two basic characteristics: it is balanced and it is varied.


FOR BALANCE AND VARIETY One of today's most exciting research stories have to do with investigations into the role of trace elements in health and disease. It has long been known that an amount of iron that would bulk up no bigger than a couple of nails stands between us and suffocation, for iron is an essential part of the blood substance hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to body tissues. But it now seems that many other elements in minute amounts-each constituting at most 1/10,000 of body weight and very often far less- may play significant roles.

Recent studies have suggested that lack of adequate zinc in the diet can delay wound healing and may be a factor in diseases of the arteries. In one investigation, zinc supplements were given to some Air Force men who had undergone surgery. Their surgical wounds healed in less than half the time required in other men who had had the same surgery but did not receive zinc supplements. The results not only demonstrated zinc's role in speeding healing; they suggested that the diet of these airmen may well have been Zinc-deficient.  

Building General Health as Preventive Therapy In a later study, investigators treated with zinc supplements a group of patients who had skin sores that refused to heal. Of the 17 patients in the group, 11 were found to be deficient in zinc, and in all 11 the chronic skin ulcers healed with zinc treatment. The remaining was not zinc- deficient, and although they received the same treatment, their wounds still did not heal. Although the relationship between zinc deficiency and hardening of leg arteries that can block circulation and cause gangrene is not clearly established, some patients who were deficient in zinc and had advanced degeneration of the arteries have shown improvement with zinc therapy. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Fever : Temperature to measurement and prevention of diseases

 If there is a severe chill or a rash, then no matter how mild the temperature elevation, medical help is needed. A stiff neck, even if the fever is slight, may be an early indication of meningitis. A fever that develops after an accidental cut or other injury which could have become infected may mean blood poisoning (septicemia). 

When a fever, even mild, is accompanied by nausea and pain in the abdomen, especially in the lower right part of the abdomen, the problem could be appendicitis. Appendicitis often progresses rapidly, and whereas it can be treated effectively early in its course, it may become a major problem if neglected for even a few hours. One final note about slight fever: If you have a chronic disorder such as rheumatic heart disease, asthma, diabetes, or nephritis, your physician may warn you to let him know the minute you discover a fever or even a common cold coming on.


All of us have occasional headaches. And there are mild and fleeting aches and pains from unaccustomed exertion and even family arguments and business or other anxieties. These are certainly no medical emergencies. But any new or unusually acute pain in the chest or abdomen should call for medical consultation. Pain in the chest accompanying exertion may be due to heart trouble-but not invariably. Pain at its worst when you take a deepbreath may be due to pleurisy. Chest pain that develops upon bending over after eating may be due to a hernia of the diaphragm. Many relatively mild abdominal pains are associated with gas in the bowel; some stem from constipation; some are associated with fatigue, depression, or anxiety. 

Sometimes, aches and pains that appear to be originating inside the abdomen or chest are actually coming from the abdominal or chestwall as the result of fibrositis of muscles. Peptic ulcer pain usually comes with hunger and is relieved by food or an acid- neutralizing agent. Gallbladderpain often starts under the lowest right ribs in front and runs up under theright shoulder blade. 

How taking body temperature helps to prevent certain diseases?

Fever most commonly signals infection or inflammation somewhere in the body. The temperature is likely to be highest during a bacterial or severe viral infection. With a mild infection such as a cold, temperature elevation may be slight and fleeting. When fever is high, there is usually no hesitancy about calling the physician. But there may be other occasions when the physician should be consulted.


A few facts about taking temperature

Aspirin and aspirin-containing medications bring down elevated temperature and tend to keep it down for as long as four hours. So for accurate determinations, temperature should be taken before use of such medications or four or five hours afterward. Remember, too, that if temperature is taken immediately after smoking, it may be higher than normal; and conversely, if taken by mouth just after a cold drink, it may be lower than normal. Before taking temperature, rinse the thermometer in cool water and shake it until the mercury falls below the 95-degree mark. If you use an oralthermometer, hold it under the tongue, with mouth shut, for at least three minutes.

A rectal thermometer, after lubrication, should be inserted up to the 98.6-degree line while the patient lies on his side. It should remain in place for three to five minutes. For the average person, mouth temperature normally is 98.6 degrees, and rectal tends to be about one degree higher. When fever is mild-under 100 degrees orally or 101 rectally-and the only other symptom is nasal congestion, a slight cough, or a scratchy throat, there is no urgency about calling the physician. But take the temperature every three or four hours and note the severity of symptoms. If symptoms become worse or if the temperature moves up to 101 orally or 102 rectally, then notify your physician. Always when fever is present it is important to note the accompanying.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How does a preventively minded physician function? Follow 1000 posts in the series

You can expect that in working with you he will get to know you thoroughly-past medical history, family medical history, job, working habits, living habits-so he can weigh any possibility that you-as a member of a specific group based on heredity, environment, age, sex, color, personal habits-may face certain specific health hazards.

In his regular periodic examinations, he will follow your health progress in general and will be alert for the slightest early indication of anything wrong in any area of special risk for you. He may, in fact, from time to time use special tests to make certain all is going well in a special risk area.

During your visits, he will be concerned, of course, with any physical complaints and also with any mental or emotional problems (job, marital, and others), since these can affect health.

He will be interested in any changes in your habits and their possible effects, for good or ill, on your health. From time to time, he may have suggestions for an alteration, perhaps minor, of diet, exercisepattern, sleep, relaxation, etc.

As he regularly checks you, alert for earliest indications, even pre-indications, of possible trouble, he will be prepared to intervene without delay. Rather than wait, say, for obvious symptoms of diabetes to develop-especially if you belong to the group with greater than average probability of developing the disease-he will intervene to try to correct, if they appear, the very first changes that could possibly lead to diabetes.

As medicine has been practiced generally to now, it has been the patient who, in effect, has turned up after making a self-diagnosis. It has been the patient who has decided, "I think I am or may be sick or becoming sick," and then has sought help.

How it will be the preventively minded physician who increasingly will be able to tell the patient, "You are about to become sick and we are going to take a few measures in advance so you won't actually develop the sickness." 

How to prevent Kidney failure? 1000 posts preventive medicare

Preventive medicare avoid side effects. To days medicines cannot be trusted completely that they are free from side effects. To avoid side effects, we need to take due care to prevent any diesease before it reaches us. Take control of your body and follow the suggestions in these posts and you can aovid the complications. Follow our all 1000 posts following to safeguard your body and mind. 

Promising work is being done in detecting people with pre-diabetes-those who have no symptoms of diabetes but do have changes in body chemistry that may forecast eventual onset of overt diabetes. Early results of treating such patients with anti-diabetic agents are regarded by some investigators as promising, suggesting it may be possible to prevent the development of diabetes and such complications as visual disturbances, circulatory disturbances, and increased risk of coronary heart disease.

As we have noted earlier, kidney machines can be lifesavers for patients with kidney failure-but it would be far 'better to prevent the failure. And there is growing hope now that in many cases failure maybe prevented by attention to asymptomatic bacteria. Asymptomatic bacteriuria simply means the presence of sizable numbers' of bacteria in the urine without causing symptoms. The condition may occur at any age and in either sex but is especially frequent in females, affecting 1.2 percent of schoolgirls and 6 percent of pregnantwomen. There is evidence that if left untreated bacteriuria may eventually cause the kidney disease pyelonephritis, which in turn may result in kidney failure.

Bacteriuria can be treated effectively once detected and newer tests now make its detection simpler and more practical. Today, as the next post will show, many testing procedures are available to make it possible for the physician increasingly to anticipate and prevent diseases rather than wait for it to appear. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Natural cure without medicines 1000 posts following

Medicines always cause some side effects and addiction that makes our body desperately needs medicine after once or twice taken. But Mother nature gives us many options to cure illnesses without any chemicals and medicines based on chemicals.

We will continue this blog dedicated to nature cure lovers, follow this blog for a complete solution for your health problems. Coming days will be very important to you to maintain a flawless healthier body.