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Monday, December 29, 2014

Acne Causes and remedies

There is considerable risk, too, that the rough breaking of the membrane and the disturbances that follow may produce scar tissue and pits. There is no 100 percent effective ways to prevent acne. But there are measures that can be used to minimize the immediate unsightly effects of acne and the risk of an aftermath of scars and pits. For one thing, certain foods are known to increase sebaceous gland activity; in effect, they feed the glands and encourage production of sebum. Their avoidance, and the resulting reduction of sebum production, can be of value. The foods include nuts, chocolate, fried items, pastries, and candies with high butterfat content. It is not necessary to eliminate all desserts and fats. Do go easy on rich foods, greasy foods, and chocolate; and carryon an intelligent search for any other foods that you may find have a particularly irritating effect on your skin.

 Especially in the acne years, keep the skin scrupulously clean. This can help reduce plugging of pores and start-up of blackheads. Wash often and thoroughly with warm water and plain soap. Scrub the skin with a clean washcloth, but not so hard as to produce irritation. Follow with a cold rinse. Have your own washcloth and towel; change both at least once a day. Avoid all creams and greasy lotions. Do not contribute to pore plugging with heavy makeup or "pore-closing" beauty aids; this is the last thing in the world you want to do. Do remove blackheads-but do so properly. Soak in warm sudsy water to help loosen them. Never use your fingers to squeeze out a blackhead. At most drugstores, you can buy an inexpensive little device, a comedone extractor. Press the extractor gently over a blackhead. If the blemish comes out readily, fine; after its removal, touch the spot with rubbing alcohol (70 percent).

If it doesn't come out readily, leave it alone for a while until it is ready to come out more easily. If you watch your food intake, keep your skin clean, take care of blackheads properly, there is likely to be a minimum of pimples. This is about the limit of primary prevention of this important, widespread ailment. There is no vaccine for prevention. Yet, by employing the primary and secondary preventives we advise, you should escape the major problems of acne.  

Some pimples may appear, and these too can be handled properly. Do not squeeze; this will take willpower, but it is worth exerting. Apply a compress wetted with hot water. This will encourage healthy drainage and healing. Hide the offending spot with Acnomel cake, which will also help to heal the pimple. If you have severe acne, your physician can help bring it under control with medication he can prescribe, including antibiotic agents that are taken internally.

Topical applications of special medicated preparations may also be of value. Medical attention, for a severe case of acne not only can help to improve appearance, but also can root out any serious infectious process and greatly reduce risk of scarring. Even if acne has scarred your face, medical science can help. "Planning" with a rotary high-speed brush is often effective in scar eradication. In the process, the outer layer of pitted skin is removed, leaving the part containing glands and hair follicles. New skin, rosy at first, then fading to normal color, grows in from the bottom up. Planning has been used successfully even in removing some types of birthmarks and disfigurations due to accidents. Remember that planning is a surgical operation, though not a major one. But it must be performed by a competent physician with the same care used during and after any operation. Never let a beauty shop employee or any other nonmedical person treat acne. 

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