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Thursday, December 11, 2014


Smaller ones have first-aid stations and safety or other personnel trained in first aid. A squad of workers can and should be organized and trained to treat minor burns, shock, and cases requiring artificial respiration. Such measures can save lives and help avoid serious disabilities. Electrical hazards can crop up almost anywhere. 

Exposed wires, crossed circuits, and carelessness can lead to serious shocks and burns. If you become aware of any wiring that is defective, waste no time calling it to the attention of someone who can correct it. We would like to stress this here: If someone is unconscious from electric shock, do not give up; artificial respiration and heart massage, continued over a period of hours, have been known to save people who appeared beyond hope of reviving. 

Be careful about floors and staircases wetted by chemicals or other liquid.  if found any danger of slipping, handholds should be provided;  


 No job is completely free of hazards, and each job may have its own special ones, Even sedentary occupations such as those of clerks and office workers are not entirely safe, Women who work at home should carefully read Chapter 40, in which we discuss danger spots in the home and how to avoid accidents which cripple and kill many people each year. 

In addition, salespeople, teachers, librarians, and others who deal with large numbers of people in the course of their work should know and do as much as possible about the increased danger of exposure to colds and other respiratory ailments.

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