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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Job related Health problems -stress-frustration-mental health

If your job brings you sufficient income but leaves you frustrated, bored, or otherwise unhappy, vocational guidance agencies may help solve the problem. 

It could be worthwhile, too, for you to have a frank talk with your physician who, knowing the importance of job satisfaction as a factor in good preventive medicine, may himself be able to help with some guidance or refer you to a psychologist or psychiatrist for help in discovering whether you should try to adjust yourself to your present job-whether there are things you can do to make a satisfying adjustment or find another.
A good job, too, should be as safe as modern technology and your own alertness, ingenuity, and awareness of potential hazards can make it. 

If you are frequently ill or have had accidents at work, it may be that you do not observe proper precautions, or it may be the result of poor conditions in your place of employment. After reading this chapter, you may be able to decide better which it is. If it is the latter-poor work conditions you can bring the fact to the attention of your employers, either directly (perhaps through a suggestion box) or through your foreman, supervisor, or union.

If this fails to produce improvement, the matter should be reported to the proper authorities, such as the department of labor in your state or the local or state health department. The fact is that while much has been done to improve occup.ulon.il safety in this country, in any year on-the-job accidents kill 10, 00,000 partially or completely disable 2,200,000 of the nation's 12 million workers. Another 5 million suffer lesser work injuries toll in pain and suffering, job-related accidents ,  $1.5 billion in lost wages and deprive industry of  $millions. This record is an improvement over residents killed nearly twice as many people in a work force half the size of todays, but it leaves much to be desired. 

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