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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

impedigo skin conditions dieseases

Impetigo, which is caused by bacteria, is a contagious skin infection, especially in infants. It is characterized by yellowish crusts, often on the face, that look as though they had been deliberately pasted on the skin. A doctor can easily cure impetigo before complications have a chance to develop. Folliculitis is similar to impetigo except that the infection affects the hair follicles or the pore openings of the skin. Barber's itch is a special case of folliculitis which involves the beard and makes shaving a problem for men afflicted with this frequently stubborn name for barber's itch is sycosis vulgaris. It may take some time to cure even a mild case of folliculitis. You may need one visit to the physician for instruction in removing infected hairs. Fever blisters (herpes simplex) are virus-caused and usually occur with a fever or cold, appearing around the mouth and nose.

Sometimes the blisters follow exposure to sun and wind. Usually they clear within a week or so. A drying lotion such as 1 : 500 aluminum acetate in cold water is comforting when applied with bits of cotton. Spirit of camphor is a helpful application in mild cases. Cold cream may help to bring relief during the onset period. Troublesome, recurrent fever blisters should be seen by a physician who may be able to eliminate the cause. Shingles (herpes zoster) is also virus-caused and actually involves infection of a nerve, along with the eruption that appears on the skin. Once it was commonly believed that shingles could be fatal if the infection completely encircled the body and "met." This has no basis in fact. There are potentially serious complications from shingles in the eyes and nerves.

Shingles should be treated promptly by a physician. The itch (scabies), caused by a tiny mite, is extremely contagious. Fortunately, it yields quickly to treatment. While almost any part of the body may be affected, favorite areas for the mite to burrow into the skin include hands, genitals, and skin folds. It is not always easy to determine whether or not one has scabies, and a physician should be consulted for a diagnosis. The remedies used for scabies can aggravate other skin troubles that may be confused with it. A physician will tell you how to kill the parasites in bed linen and clothes. 

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