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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Types of STREPTOCOCCAL INFECTIONS in children and treatment


The streptococcal germ can cause sore throat, tonsillitis, sinusitis, middle, ear infection, and indirectly rheumatic fever and kidney disease (nephritis). Rheumatic fever or nephritis may follow a week or so after strep infection. This does not mean that most, or even many, strep infections lead to these illnesses. But by guarding against strep infections, the chances of getting these more serious diseases can be significantly de- creased. 

The first step in protecting your child against strep is to follow the measures outlined for preventing colds. A fever that develops when a cold seems to be ending suggests a potentially serious complication until proved otherwise by the doctor. Some of the complications are described below. Quick treatment by the doctor will promptly suppress strep infection and will almost always prevent its complications.

 Sore Throats, Swollen Neck Glands, Tonsillitis, Sinusitis, and Middle Ear Infections These may be caused by the streptococcus although most sore throats, swollen glands, and severe upper respiratory infections in childhood are caused by viruses. Tonsillitis produces a high fever which lasts several days.

The child may vomit and have headaches, and his throat may be- come so sore that he can barely swallow. A doctor is needed. The first thing to do if the child complains of sore throat is to put him to bed. Don't expect overnight recovery. It takes a while for tonsillitis to be cured. The tonsils are located at the back of the mouth and are composed of lymphoid tissue. They are like the lymph nodes and have the same purpose: to trap and destroy germs. 

Yet sometimes they become over invasion of germs and, instead of destroying the tonsils themselves Me overwhelmed and infected. Child tonsils be removed 7 Once they were, almost routinely. Now feel they should not be taken out except when there is good, reason. Removal of tonsils will not decrease the frequency of infections. If they must be removed, the operation should be conducted at a good hospital. Some family doctors and pediatricians are found in tonsil removal; if they are not, they will arrange for a throat difficult to carry out the operation. 

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