If you have any leeway, if your work allows you some choice
of sleeping hours-a choice between going to bed a bit earlier and getting up
earlier, or going to bed later and getting up later-and if you haven't ever
experimented, or haven't done so for years, it may be helpful to experiment
now, trying various times for going to bed and getting up.
Sleep in a dark
room, of course, and one as quiet as possible. If you live in a noisy neighborhood
and find the noise bothersome, you might try overcoming the nuisance noise with
"white" noise-the steady hum from an air conditioner or window fan,
for example, which many people find soothing.
Is your bed really comfortable? The American double bed is
ordinarily Sleep equal to two single beds; it is smaller. If you are a fairly
large individual and prefer a double bed, a king-sized bed may be in order. Take
the room comfortable-for you.
Some people sleep best in a cool environment for
them, snuggling down under a mountain of covers is a portable, relaxing
experience. If you are one of them, by all means your
room cool; if you wish a window open, open it without worry. If you're at the
other extreme, there is nothing wrong with a warmish room if it makes for
better sleeping for you. Make every effort to relax mentally before retiring, that
could well mean making it a rule to stop brain work at least an hour before
going 10 beds.
Similarly, make every effort to relax your body physically.
A leisurely walk outdoors or some other moderate exercise may do the trick.
Sometimes a tepid bath before bedtime is a help. Should you have a snack or
drink before bedtime? You might try and see if it works for you. It does for
many people. For some, warm milk is effective; for others, a glass of beer or
wine helps bring relaxation; and (or others, small portions of high-protein
foods work.
A5 part of a mental slowdown process to prepare you for sleep, avoid
TV just before retiring; it tends to be stimulating for most people. Reading is
usually better. And certainly if you find that some activities chess, bridge,
or anything else--tend to key you up, it would be wise 10 avoid them for a time
until you have a chance to reestablish good sleeping patterns. When you get into
bed, relax physically.
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