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Wednesday, January 7, 2015


 Disclosing wafers, containing a harmless red vegetable dye, are invaluable aids in helping you to establish effective cleaning habits. For the first week, you can use one before and another after each nightly cleaning. In the second week, clean first, then use a wafer to check on whether any areas have been missed. Once proper cleaning habits are established, use a wafer about once a month for checking. 

Place a wafer in the mouth, chew slowly to help dissolve, then swish around as if it were a mouth rinse. You may then swallow it. Any bright red stains you see on the teeth (use the mouth mirror to The Teeth I 281 Here is a rough guide to when the different teeth may be expected -rough in the sense that there is some variation among individuals:

 PERMANENT TEETH UPPER LOWER (AGE IN YEARS) help view the tongue side of the teeth) indicates areas of plaque and bacteria. Pay particular attention to brushing and flossing these areas. The dye will color the tongue and the lips. It is readily removed from the lips with a wet cloth. Brush it from the tongue and you will simultaneously remove bacteria that grow on the tongue's furry surface and may contribute to bad breath. 

As the bacteria are brushed off, much of the dye color goes with them; the rest is gone, dissolved in mouth fluids, by morning. Cleaning themouth thoroughly this way does take time and patience. But you will find the experience refreshing and pleasantly habit-forming. There will be a cleaner taste in the mouth and a cleaner "feel" to the teeth as plaque is kept off. 

You should have no difficulty using the suggested home care methods. If, for any reason, you do, your dentist can help. He may also have suggestions for adapting the techniques to make them more valuable for you if you have any special problem. Visit your dentist regularly for checkup examinations, for topical fluoride applications, and for advice. 

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