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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Harmones and glands - overactivity and underactivity

The Endocrine Glands I 263 is known to pour out a dozen or so; the adrenals more than 30. The following table shows a number of the hormones and some of the dis- eases resulting when a gland is too active or not active enough: Disease Caused by Exophthalmic goiter (also Myxedema, called Graves' disease or cretinism (in hyperthyroidism) infants)


The Islets of Langerhans Diabetes is the most familiar of the diseases caused by endocrine gland disorder. GLAND Thyroid Parathyroid Islets of Langerhans (pancreas) Adrenal Cortex Medulla Gonads Female (ovary) Male (testis) Pituitary anterior lobe posterior lobe HORMONE Thyroxin Parathormone Insulin Cortin, cortisone, etc. Adrenaline Estrogen (estrin) Androgen (testosterone) Corticotropin, thyrotropin, gonadotropins, lactogenic hormone, prolactin Vasopressin, oxytocin


Hyperparathyroidism (osteitisfibrosacystica) Hyperinsulinism Cushing's syndrome, adrenal hypercorticism, adrenal virilismHyperadrenalism, pheochromocytoma Menstrual irregularities Excessive virilism Cushing's syndrome (hyper adrenalism) r gigantism (acromegaly) 

UNDERACTIVITY Parathyroid tetany Diabetes mellitus Addison's disease May contribute to symptoms of Addison's disease Menopause Eunuchism Dwarfism, Simmonds' disease Diabetes insipidus The islets of Langerhans of the pancreas secrete insulin.

This hormone enables the body to use, or burn, sugar and starch after they have been converted by digestive juices into glucose. The body must utilize glucose (sugar) to provide heat and energy and to help in utilization of other foods. Any sugar the body does not immediately need is stored in the tissues to be drawn on later, like money in the bank. 

When the islets fail to provide insulin to spark this process, the sugar passes unused into the blood and is eliminated in the urine. The quantity of urine increases, causing the diabetic to become thirsty and to drink more fluid, which in turn is quickly eliminated. Not all reasons why the islets may fail to produce enough insulin are known. 

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