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Monday, January 19, 2015

MEntal Illness causes and treatemnt

 Marriage can help assure a healthy mental and emotional life if there is true love, acceptance of each other's good and weak points by the mates, and a happy, fulfilling sexual life. Marriage should continue to grow as a creative experience and not settle into "dullsville." Because marriage is so important in preventing emotional problems, at the first sign of significant marital trouble there should be a talk with a marriage counselor. Sometimes a single session will work wonders. (See page 327 for further discussion of marriage.)

Pregnancy and the arrival of children

 Pregnancy can set off emotional problems. We have a section on pregnancy. The coming of the first child and then of later children expectably changes the quality of marriage. It should deepen ties. But each partner needs to realize that the other, deep down, wants and needs reassurance that a child hasn't usurped all love. If pregnancies and the coming of children go well, what then can threaten the emotional stability of adults? Here are several situations that cause tension and sometimes serious emotional disturbances: Loss of job or business reverses.

We have known people who have lost fortunes and made them again. Nothing disturbs their inner conviction that they will succeed in their work. On the other hand, we have seen emotional disturbances develop at the threat of a change of job or a small temporary reverse in a man's business venture. Such disturbances call for a talk with your doctor or other counselor.


 This is a dramatic, emotion-charged event for some women. See our special discussion about its emotional component.

Sex in the later years

More and more, medical science recognizes the need of older people, and their ability, to continue sexual activity into very old age. Even many individuals with heart disease and other ailments can enjoy sexual activity. Sex deprivation, especially in an older man, may cause depression. Here again, a talk with a sympathetic physician will prove helpful.


 We live in a competitive society which really has little mercy for the person who doesn't provide for himself and his family. Social security benefits are inadequate. It is reassuring-and a good preventive of mental tension-to work out early in life a program of disability, retirement, and life insurance which will provide for the family. This doesn't mean that you have to become so worried that you become "insurance poor." There are low-cost, term insurance policies which young people can afford. And almost everyone belongs to at least one organization that offers inexpensive group insurance.


 What happens at retirement will probably reflect the sum total of your personality growth during your lifetime. Some people enjoy retirement; others abhor it. Talk at length to your doctor about your emotional as well as physical needs in the retirement period. A change of location may be beneficial emotionally for some people, not for others. If you need part-time work to keep you cheerful, remember that you usually get this more readily in your home location where you are known.

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