Personalities and character structures are
of prime importance in this most important contract of adult humans. It is upon
these factors that the success or failure of the marriage depends. When
difficulty arises in a marriage, when there is discontent, frustration or
discord, physical and psychic symptoms may follow. Preventive medicine has
become increasingly aware that many health problems are precipitated by marital
problems. While there is no such thing as a blueprint for a happy marriage, it
is wise, before entering marriage, to be aware of the factors that are most
likely to lead to successful marriage and those that may foredoom a marriage.
Out of scientific studies which have investigated many thousands of marriages
to determine reasons for success and failure, experts in the field have arrived
at some guidelines.
Generally, people feel more at home with
others who have had similar childhoods and have similar customs, manners, and
tastes. Certainly, marriages between people of different races, religions, and
economic and social classes can be successful. But it is only realistic to
recognize that such marriages must overcome extra problems, not necessarily insoluble
but real enough-problems caused not only by social disapproval but by the
number of adjustments that must be made. For example, a rural Southern boy and
a city-bred Northern girl may find it quite difficult to arrive at a way of
living that makes them both happy and comfortable.
only the actual learning experiences but the experiences of being with others
and the opening up of interests which Healthy Adjustment in Marring!! / 37
schooling provides can be of importance in marital adjustments. It is usually
helpful to a marriage when both partners have roughly the same amount of
important than the size of a man's income is the job he has, not alone the
salary he gets from it but the satisfaction; the challenge it offers him; the
fulfillment he gets from working at it; the possibilities it holds for the
future, either in itself or in other opportunities to which it may lead.
Generally, today, the more educational preparation he has had for his work, the
more rewarding- not only in immediate financial return but in other ways-it is
likely to be, and the better candidate he is for marriage.
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